Most of us have a genuine desire to eat healthier. As we walk down the supermarket aisle, we’ll notice an oatmeal product and think ‘Hey, I’ll get some oatmeal! That’s gotta be good for me!” Not necessarily. Many oatmeal products (particularly some instant oatmeal products) include high fructose corn syrup, an exorbitant amount of sugar and salt and other processed ingredients that can offset some of the health benefits of oatmeal.
Oatmeal, without the processed ingredients listed above, has many health benefits. Here are just a few:
- Great source of fiber
- Assist with satiety (a feeling of fullness)
- Can assist in reducing cholesterol
- May assist in reducing the risk of heart disease
Steel cut oatmeal (or steel cut oats) in particular is less processed than most instant oatmeal.
When purchasing oatmeal, it’s important to read the label and avoid those brands with added sugar, salt or members of “THE 7”.
Here’s how to prepare a great tasting, healthy bowl of steel cut oatmeal.
Simmer 1-2 cups of water or 1% low fat milk. Add:
1 cup of Steel cut oats
1 pat of butter
1 tbsp. of ground flaxseed
1 tbsp. of cinnamon
1 tbsp. of honey
For an extra “protein punch” (to assist with muscle growth/repair and satiety) add 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa and 1 tbsp. of peanut butter.
Sloan Luckie is a Certified Fitness Trainer, Specialist in Fitness Nutrition and founder of Body Under Construction, LLC—an organization devoted to optimal health and fitness, and the author of two books, Journey to the Jacksons: A Mother’s Bold & Extraordinary Actions to Make Her Child’s Seemingly Impossible Dream Come True and Body Under Construction: How to Build and Maintain Optimal Health at Any Age. For FREE nutrition, sleep, exercise and other wellness tips, sign up for “I Want To Live Healthier!” at SLOANLUCKIE.COM.