Sandra Denton, better known as Pepa, from the legendary hip-hop group, Salt N' Pepa is suing the doctor responsible for botched surgery scars and misconfiguration of body parts. According to TMZ, the "Push-It" hit rapper turned reality TV star filed a lawsuit against Dr. David Sayah for negligence after his suggested surgeries didn’t help her heal properly.
For the past couple of years, people have been saying that Pepa has been looking "different" like she's got some work done. But nobody could confirm any of the rumors.
In 2018, Pepa was in a car accident that left her with lots of pain and discomfort. After a conversation with plastic surgeon, Dr. Sayah, Pepa decided to have three different procedures to correct the issue. But instead of feeling and looking better, the suit claims that the procedures caused her to feel worse than she was feeling before.
“In legal docs, she says the wreck made the biopolymer injections she previously had in her butt and hips shift, leaving her in extreme discomfort. Pepa says she was referred to Dr. Sayah in Sept. 2019 to help her out, and the plan was to remove the biopolymer material and butt implants to relieve her pain,” TMZ reported.
Biopolymer injections are made using a biopolymer silicone. The fact that this is injected freely into the body makes it more dangerous than implants, where silicone gel is contained within a shell.
The big attraction is that they are much cheaper than implants and quicker. The whole procedure doesn't take more than 20 minutes.
But the risks are incredibly high.
Some of the following adverse and common symptoms:
- Chronic infection, such as cellulitis, that are recurrent despite antibiotics. Fever (above 100.4 F) is another symptom experienced by patients.
- Firmness or hardening of the area of injections.
- Chronic pain, such as buttock pain or pain in the outer thighs, for instance.
- Numbness sensation of the area treated with foreign material injections.
- Discoloration of the skin of the area of injection.
Unfortunately, there have been numerous cases of foreign materials injected into the body (buttocks and thighs, for instance). These foreign material injections included but not limited to Silicone, Biogel, Hydrogel, Biopolymer, PMMA, and Aqua gel are not-FDA approved for body contouring, and are extremely harmful to the human body. Side effects can include ongoing pain and serious injuries, such as scarring, tissue death, and permanent disfigurement.
These materials have been implicated in a variety of adverse reactions including granulomas, disfiguring nodules, and lymphedema, sometimes with latent periods of decades. Often, they may cause disfiguring chronic infections that may require intravenous antibiotics or extensive surgery. If the silicone migrates beyond the injection site, it could cause an embolism, stroke, infections and death.
Per the court documents, according to Pepa the doctor suggested that she replace her butt implants with smaller ones but instead, he performed a very unsuccessful liposuction which would eventually require corrective surgery. She said she was later pressured into a different surgery that left her bottom feeling hard and lumpy. During her last surgery, she assumed the Dr. Sayah removed the biopolymer material but after more discomfort, she learned through an MRI that there was a “large amount of biopolymer silicone and dead scar tissue remaining.”
As a result of her 3 surgeries, she will have to do more corrective procedures to finally fix her body.
Also called buttock or gluteal augmentation, the kind of butt implant surgery Pepa had is one of the procedures that has grown increasingly popular in recent years.
Despite the high success rate of this kind of surgery, butt implants still pose risks. Some of the most common side effects include:
- excessive bleeding after surgery
- pain
- scarring
- skin discoloration
- infection
- fluid or blood accumulation underneath the buttocks
- allergic reactions
- skin loss
- nausea and vomiting from anesthesia
It’s also possible for the silicone implants to move or slip out of place. This can leave you with an uneven appearance in the buttocks and requires surgery to fix it.
Singer K. Michelle had her injections removed after a botched surgery as well. As we follow Pepa's story, we are first and foremost praying for Pepa's full and complete recovery of her health.