Tai McQueen, also known as The Plus Size Trainer, is a certified personal trainer who has been sharing her incredible 120-pound weight loss journey to hundreds of thousands over the years. She's as real as they come when someone is trying to transform his or her body and people can see that. They not only follow her, they have helped her build a brand of not only changing your body, but becoming healthier inside and out.
The beautiful health champion motivates others with her story, her body transformation and her honesty. But it wasn't always like that. McQueen started her fitness journey in 2011 after a disappointing trip to South Beach, Miami.
“I was the fattest person on the beach, and it did not feel good!” McQueen says on her website.
After returning from her trip, Tai immediately began to implement healthier lifestyle habits which allowed her to lose 115 pounds in just 14 months. However, the reality of weight loss set in, and weight gain came back. Nevertheless, Tai fought back and continues to fight for a healthier body and mind which led her to start the Plus Size Fitness Movement – PHAT Fitness (Pretty Healthy and Thick).
"Most of you don't know my back story, but there was a time in my life when my depression caused me to be suicidal," admitted McQueen via her social media. "I've been struggling with depression, binge eating and anxiety attacks for the majority of my life, which is also why I've struggled with my weight."
"One thing I can tell you about weight loss is that it's different for everyone!" confesses McQueen. "I used to let social media dictate how my body was supposed to look, which only made me miserable. I used to restrict myself to maintain a body that I necessary didn't like, all because others thought I would look better that way. I know you've heard 'Oh, you don't need to lose any more weight, you're already too small' Well, people told me 'You need to be much smaller to fit into the fitness industry.' or 'You need to get leaner and build more muscle so you can compete". Kudos to those that want it for themselves, but three weeks into a "competition plan" I was like fuck this shit.. I'm out!! ????✌?? I'm saying all that to say this: Your body your way!! Not everyone wants to be super small or super lean."
"Being pretty is good... but being HEALTHY is better! Healthy comes in many sizes, so don't think you have to be super small just to fit the bill. Reality is, "Skinny Fat" is a real thing. People whom appear fit and healthy, but actually have health ailments. Take care of your health at ALL sizes and love yourself along the way!"
"For people like me, it's about my health OVER my physique. I've gone from 282lbs to currently 167, I'm off of ALL medication for high blood pressure and cholesterol. I was told at my highest weight that I was borderline diabetic and would die of heart disease in 10 years (I was 26 at the time). Basically, my health became, and still is, my priority. I LIKE FOOD!!! and I don't like hard restrictions."
"I've just found a way to live healthy and eat what I like at times without being a compete fat forever hoe! My body preference is thick, not skinny, but I still work at being a better version than my current self. I'm not in a race, I'm not trying to look like the next chick, I'm not posting up my results for likes. I'm just simply here to show people want can be done by changing your mindset, your lifestyle and putting your health first! Don't be intimidated by what you see others doing. Know what YOU want for yourself and go after that!"
Her openness about personal struggles with weight loss have impacted many and resigned deeply with those that have been felt ashamed to get fit because of their size. Tai’s non-judgmental approach to fitness teaches men and women of all sizes to love their current body while working towards the body they want.
“I don’t sugarcoat fitness. The truth is, fitness is hard! That doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You may lose, you may gain, but you never give up! Quitting doesn’t produce results! My hope is inspire someone who's currently where I've been. Just know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, so don't give up!"
For more on Tai McQueen and her fitness and weight loss plans, visit her here.