Although recent technological advances have decreased infant mortality rates (IMR) globally, the U.S. rate is still alarming compared to other developed countries. The situation is even worse for black babies.
Findings from Duke’s Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity and the Insight Center for Community Economic Development show that the 2013 white IMR in the U.S. was 5 per 1,000 births, whereas the black IMR was 11.2 per 1,000. The report also examined the social factors that lead to racial disparities in infant mortality rates.
Researchers stated that one of the key goals of the report was to dispel some of the myths about black women and infant mortality: causes are attributed to recreational drug use, poor health habits, obesity or age.
The report aims to point out the key issue: what we look at as protective factors in the general population don't protect black women in the same way and the risk factors are much riskier.
Although the white IMR in the U.S. stands next to that of developed nations such as New Zealand, the black IMR is more similar to countries with fewer resources like Thailand, Romania, Grenada and the Bahamas.
The report found that the black-white disparity is not contingent on the mother’s education level, in fact, the gap is even greater for those with a master’s degree or higher. Most surprisingly, it’s highest for black mothers with a doctorate or professional degree.
This could be attributed to the fact that people that are in more discriminatory environments have higher levels of stress and prolonged stress, which may contribute to the infant mortality gap. The report explained that stress is bad for the body in general, but particularly during pregnancy.
“Research has shown the experience of discrimination having an impact on health,” she said.
In addition, the medical facilities and access to adequate care available in primarily black communities are often under-resourced. Studies have shown that the quality of care at predominantly black hospitals is not as advanced as it is at hospitals serving white communities.
To close the disparity gap in mortality rates, researchers suggested implementing programs that focus on healthy maternal and child outcomes specifically for black women, since they are more likely to experience racism, inequity, and discrimination.
These factors must be acknowledged to decrease the black IMR, which has been double the rate of white infant mortality for more than three decades.
For years, most have believed that the black-white gap occurs because of differences in reckless behaviors but the researchers of the report outlined that future research should examine systemic barriers to positive birth outcomes for black women.
Behaviors such as alcohol consumption, recreational drug, and tobacco use can lead to increased infant mortality, but researchers asserted that the black-white gap in IMR cannot be explained by these factors alone.
Hopefully, this report and future ones will act as a call to fight racism and discrimination in the everyday lives of black women.
Jasmine Browley holds an MA in journalism from Columbia College Chicago, and has contributed to Ebony, Jet and MADE Magazine among others. So, clearly, she knows some stuff. Follow her digital journey @JasmineBrowley.