Action-movie hero, sitcom star, syndicated game show host, advertising pitchman, former NFL player and best-selling author all describe the man that is Terry Crews. He's known for having his shirt off and playing wacky, but memorable characters. He is perhaps best known for playing Julius, the overworked dad on the UPN/CW sitcom Everybody Hates Chris, a tough guy in the feature franchise “The Expendables,” the loveable goofball in “White Chicks,” or his appearances in Old Spice commercials.
The 50-year-old Crews has proven that he’s adept at both drama and comedy. He currently stars on FOX’s Golden Globe Award-winning and SAG Award-nominated comedy series Brooklyn-Nine-Nine, and he is also the newest host of the popular syndicated game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Crews also added author to his resume last year with the release of his first book, “Manhood.”
But, the fun-loving fit actor is more than just muscles and a good laugh. He's a family man who's been married for 25 years, is dedicated to father's rights and one who likes to keep his mind sharp.
On Health
"Football did not help me with regards to health, I think," admits Crews. "What I mean is that the basis for exercise should be to be healthy. Not about just trying to catch a ball or something. So when I retired from the NFL, at first I felt like I didn't really have to work out anymore, because there was no game on the horizon. That's why a lot of star athletes gain so much weight. I eventually realized that I needed to work out for my brain and my body. My brain is my tool, and the best thing for it is exercise."
"Getting in my workout every day calms me down, helps me think better, and helps me learn my lines faster," Crews says. "The actual specifics of the workout don't matter. It's the habit. Just getting there and doing it."
Recently, he shared his 51-year-old body and boy, he has muscles on top of muscles (see below)!
"You almost have to think of your workout like going to a spa," continues Crews. "The minute it doesn't make you feel better, it's not going to be a habit you can sustain. So the whole 'no pain, no gain' thing, it doesn't work. In fact, exercise can never feel like work."
On His Wife/Family Life
"[In marriage] you have to own up to your mistakes. And boy, I have made a lot over our marriage. You also have to evolve together, and realize that no matter how close you are, you are always going to be very different. Some people get married and think you should both see and like the same things. You have to be constantly talking to one another, and evaluating where each person is in their life. I really had to come to grips with that. My wife has been amazing throughout all my transitions, from football to acting and beyond. I think women deal with change a lot better than men. Women don't hold onto foolish pride.
On Health Advice
"I've done a lot of reading about health over the years but it actually was my wife, Rebecca, who gave me a wake-up call about taking care of myself," confesses Crews. "And it wasn't a statement -- it was an action. I was 30 pounds overweight and...
... one day she simply came up behind me and pinched my back fat. Look, a man never thinks he's out of shape. And when she did that, it helped me see myself for what I was, and that I was heading in a bad direction. I realized I needed to be healthy for my kids. Of course, I later learned exactly how bad all that mid-section fat is, in terms of your overall health."
On His Health Routine
"I run everyday—all the help is in the running. I run about four miles a day and I lift weights about four times a week, [and] I get every body part. A good workout takes about two hours for me, but I’ve worked my way up to that. I’ve been working out for 30 years. I developed systems that work for me over the years. A lot of people can’t trust [themselves]. I don’t’ trust Terry Crews. Terry Crews is just going to do what he is going to do and all of a sudden [he’s] going to mess up—not going to workout, not going to eat right or whatever. So what I do is I plan out when I’m going to workout, I plan out what I’m going to eat and I stick to it. You got to plan it. If you don’t plan it you’re going to just go off."