Sherman Hemsley, the star of The Jeffersons and Amen, recently died, and it was quickly determined that he died of natural causes. Many people were left wondering what exactly a natural death is.
READ: Sherman Hemsley Dies At 74
Generally, this description is used when seniors pass, but actually, age isn’t the only factor – someone in their 20’s can die of natural causes.
So what does this term actually mean?
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What is a natural death?
In medicine, death by natural causes is a loosely-defined term used by coroners and on death certificates and associated documents describing death when the cause of death was one primarily attributed to natural agents, or is not apparent given medical history or circumstances: usually an illness or an internal malfunction of the body.
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For example, a person dying from complications from influenza (an infection) or a heart attack (an internal body malfunction) would be listed as having died of natural causes.
In specific cases, natural causes means that the death was natural, but a specific cause was not apparent from the clincal history or circumstances surrounding death. In these situations, a specific cause of death can only be found by performing an autopsy. However, in older people, autopsies are typically not done if the circumstances are natural.
Why is old age commonly associated with natural causes of death?
Old age is not a scientifically recognized cause of death; there is always a more direct cause although it may be unknown in certain cases. However, the cause of death can potentially be one of a number of aging-associated diseases, which is more than likely why this association exists.
What is an unnatural death?
In contrast to natural death, death caused by active human intervention are described as unnatural deaths. Unnatural causes are usually considered accidents involving no intentional risk, accidents following a willful and dangerous risk, suicide or homicide. In some situations, other categories may be added.
Sudden Cardiac Death: The Largest Cause of Natural Death
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a sudden, unexpected death caused by loss of heart function (sudden cardiac arrest). It is the largest cause of natural death in the U.S., causing about 325,000 adult deaths in the U.S. each year. SCD is responsible for half of all heart disease deaths.
Sudden cardiac arrest is not a heart attack (myocardial infarction), but can occur during a heart attack. Heart attacks occur when there is a blockage in one or more of the arteries to the heart, preventing the heart from receiving enough oxygen-rich blood. If the oxygen in the blood cannot reach the heart muscle, the heart becomes damaged.
What Natural Causes Means On a Death Certificate
Specifying a cause of death is required by law in all states. Death certification provides public health statistics and prevents cover-ups of murder.
Certification not only requires the manner of death (natural, accidental, suicide, homicide, unknown, pending), but also the determination of a cause of death usually a disease or injury directly related to death (heart attack, stroke, AIDS). In addition, circumstances of death of death must also be stated (such as gunshot wound to chest, death by hanging).