These gestures may appear little to adults, yet they mean a lot to children. Little things may have a tremendous influence. Getting an additional tale at bedtime, choosing the family's pizza toppings, or stopping for ice cream on the way home from school may not matter to you, but it does to your kids.
Children want to feel unique, observed, cared for, and adored. When you do something extra for them, like adding chocolate chips to their pancakes because they like it, your kids may interpret it as a sign of your affection. These activities show them you care even more.
Here are 30 simple ways to show your kids you care.
Macaroni Necklaces
They love the feeling of making something by themselves, so make sure you wear the macaroni necklaces they make for you to work. Or at least until you're safely gotten out the door.
Family Mantra Or Slogan
Tape a family mantra or slogan to your refrigerator door and say it to them and with them whenever your child feels discouraged.
A Walk
If you have multiple children, go for a walk with just one of them. This allows them to feel special while having some alone time with their mom or dad.
A Note
Slip a note into their lunch boxes.
Build Your Own Minecraft Or Other Game World
Build your own Minecraft world alongside theirs. Or another game like Toca World, Roblox, etc.
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"Yes" To Something, That's Usually "No"
Say "yes" to something that's usually off-limits, like sitting on the kitchen counter.
Enthusiasm Like Them
Show as much enthusiasm as they do. It lets them know you enjoy yourself just as much as they are.
A Bracelet Or T-Shirt
Give them a bracelet or t-shirt that matches the one you have. Then they feel special and close to you.
Letting Go That Their Room Looks Horrible
When their room looks like a tornado hit it, close the door and let it go. This can show them that we all need a break every now and then.
A Video Chat With Grandma
Bringing them into a video chat with grandma can be fun for both sides.
Let Them Quit The Team
If they really, truly want to quit the team, allow it.
4-Year-Old Puddle Stomping
Let your 4-year-old stomp in every puddle they find. This brings so much joy to their little souls.
Glitter Glue Homemade Birthday Card
Get out the glitter glue and make a birthday card for them. They'll love it!
Getting A Pet That Needs A Home
Take in a pet that needs a home—and a child's love.
Let Them Fight Their Own Battles
Give your toddler a chance to fight their own battles on the playground before you intervene.
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Refreshing Themselves After School
If they are grumpy and tired after school, let them have some time to recharge and relax. You can always ask how their day was at the dinner table.
Rituals & Traditions
Create some great rituals and traditions: Taco Tuesdays, Sunday bike rides, and apple picking in the fall.
Let Them Teach You Something
Have your kid teach you something, then tell them what good teachers they are.
Dress Up Clothes
Let your child wear dress-up clothes to the supermarket if they want to.
Overhearing You Compliment Them
Let your child overhear you saying something wonderful about them.
Watching The Full Moon Together
Stay up late to see the full moon together and show them the stars.
Print Out Photos Of Friends & Family
Print photos of their friends and family so they have something physical to look at daily.
Let Them Vent
When your kid is upset, let them vent. They have every right to air their feelings just like everyone else.
Heart-Shaped Pancakes For Breakfast
Cook them heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast or whatever shape makes them happy.
Dance Party
Crank up some music and have a random dance party.
Secret Family Handshake
Come up with a secret family handshake that you guys can do after school or in the morning before school.
A Whiteboard To Leave Messages For Each Other
Hang a whiteboard in their room where you can leave messages for each other.
Pillow Fight
Start a pillow fight before it's time for them to sleep.
Share Your Old Diaries, Photos, & Letters
Share your old diaries, photos, and letters from when you were their age, telling them what makes them like you and uniquely different and their own person.
Thanking Them For Doing Chores On Their Own
Thank your child when they do a chore on their own—even if it's just hanging up a wet towel or refilling a water pitcher. They'll appreciate you recognizing they did something without you telling them to do it.