As if we don't already have enough things wearing us down and making us exhausted, the last thing we need is to have the food we are eating making us look tired and worn out! There is nothing worse than someone saying, "Man, you look tired!" Who wants to hear that? If you're getting enough rest at night, try staying away from these foods, the culprits of dark circles, puffy eyes and bad skin in general!
1. Candy
It's sweet, it occupies your mouth when you're bored and it puts a smile on your face, but candy is not worth those tired bags! It has no dietary benefit and the concentrated amount of sugar will give your body an insulin spike that will peak and then crash just as quickly. This makes you not only look tired, but feel tired as well.
2. Doughnuts
They are both fried and sugar filled. In general, fried foods along with sugar are energy killers! The unfortunate part is these doughnuts are often eaten in the morning. This is the worst time of the day to eat such a buzz kill. But, they are good though!3. Salted Pretzels
While salt is good in small amounts, foods like pretzels and chips have high salt content. This concentrated amount of salt dehydrates you, making your skin look dull and ultimately making you look like you need a nap time. Try food flavored with herbs and spices versus salt as an alternative.
4. Diet Pop/Soda
The artificial sweetener in these drinks makes you bloat and your eyes get puffy. They contain aspartame, which can cause joint pain and induce more sugar cravings. It's a quick and vicious cycle to get into so stay away! Try flavored water or fruit infused water for a healthier, but yet sweet option.
MUST READ: Better Water, Better Health! Try Fruit Infused Water
5. Processed Cold Cuts
Nothing better than that yummy BLT you love to make for lunch, right? Unfortunately, you may want to double check the meat that you are using. The preservatives in cold cut meats are known to cause inflammation in the skin, making you look not like yourself. Fresh meats from the deli may cost more, but hey, they will do your body a bit more justice. They also will probably taste better!
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