At a certain time in a woman’s life, she may begin to wear thongs. There are various reasons why women choose thongs over regular brief underwear, such as avoiding panty lines, or simply because they find thongs more appealing. Thongs are relied on in many cases, however, they are not necessarily 100 percent healthy, according to Jill Rabin, M.D Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine. Thongs can cause infection and irritation.
When the moisture levels rise from vaginal secretions, the vaginal environment becomes unbalanced. This is when infections can occur. External irritation is also a possible problem due to thongs. People who continuously wear thongs can experience skin tag development in that area. Many people believe that thongs can be worn all the time, however, here are several situations when you should consider not wearing your thong.
You’re wearing tight clothing. If you plan on wearing tight clothing, such as leggings or other workout clothes, a thong is not the best idea. When working out, your crotch becomes damp. Dampness, warmth and tight clothing is the perfect environment for bacterial growth. This will disrupt your vagina’s natural balance.
You’re prone to infections. If you are prone to getting infections, you should limit your use of thongs. When vaginal secretions occur and your vagina is not able to air out, it can lead to yeast infections or UTIs.
You’re pregnant. Pregnancy can cause a comprised immune system, and this means your risk of getting vaginal infections is increased. Avoid wearing thongs so that you can avoid infections for yourself, as well as your baby.
Your bladder leaks. According to Dr. Rabin, two out of every five women under the age of 60 experience bladder leaks. The presence of urine, which is acidic, can irritate the skin of the vaginal area if left in the crotch area of thongs. This can also cause rashes on the skin.
You’re wearing a short skirt. When wearing a short skirt, sitting can expose your vagina to other bacteria, such as a public train seat or other surfaces. Wearing a thong in this situation will not serve as a substantial barrier, but instead collect bacteria and viruses. This accumulation of bacteria and germs can lead to infections or other problems.
You’re wearing a sanitary napkin. Although there are some pads that are designed to wear with thongs, they can cause problems for you. Wearing these pads with thongs can prevent your vagina from getting fresh air. This moist, warm environment can lead to bacterial growth. Especially if you are not changing your pad frequently, advises Dr. Rabin.
You’re using personal deodorants or douches. Refraining from using these products is an important piece of advice that Dr. Rabin provides. These products can alter your natural acidity and balance of your vagina. This can ultimately lead to infections and other irritations.
You’re swimsuit shopping. If you are out swimsuit shopping and plan on trying on swimsuits, you do not want to wear a thong. Briefs are more optimal for this situation because they provide more protection from others’ germs left by the last few women who tried on the same swimsuit.
As you can see, thongs are not ideal to wear in every situation. In fact, they are to be worn carefully and infrequently. If you are prone to infections and irritation, be sure to figure out the best way to wear thongs in order to avoid issues.