Body goals or business goals, it all needs a plan. Check out this 6 tips to knock each one out, one by one:
1. Find A Motivation
Once you find that one idea that consumes you and you just can’t seem to forget about it, then you’ve found your purpose. Purpose often gets mistaken for motivation but it does go hand and in hand. Motivation is something that you are facilitating your purpose for.
If you have a dream of opening a school one day, your purpose might be to help children get a better education but your motivation would possibly to give back to the community that once educated you and had a hand in making you the person you are today. Motivation can come in all forms, from creating a better life for your children, gaining financial independence, to continuing a legacy within your own family.
Motivation is what is going to keep you going when forces try to detour you and entice you to give up on your goals.
2. Write It Down
Penning something down does not mean that it is set in stone, however, it does let you reflect upon your inner thoughts and ideas. Seeing something written down opens the door for you to further expound upon it. If you write down “open hair salon”, an innate next thought is most likely: Where? When? How?
It’s important for you to write down your goals as it gets your ideas out of your head and allows you room for new ideas to spark.
3. Break It Down
Once you have a set goal, dismantle it down to the last thread. For example, you want to start an online boutique. Some things that you would write down and consider are:
- Business Name:
- Domain Name:
- Logo:
- Website:
- Wholesaler:
- Target Market:
- Who’s Going to Buy:
- Branding:
- Theme:
- Aesthetic:
- Mission Statement:
- Projected Line Items:
- Budget:
- Business Plan:
- Business Loan:
- Investor:
- Marketing/PR:
- Drop-Ship or Storage:
- Shipping/Returns:
4. Set a Timeline
Breaking it down will give you a clear view of your short-term and long-term goals. This will allow you to set a realistic timeline for goals to be accomplished. If you want to make it seamless, set your break down ofgoals to dates and times on your calendar. This will allow you to think 10 steps ahead while knocking each one out, one by one.
5. Celebrate Your Benchmarks
Once you’ve gotten your short-terms set in place on atimeline, place benchmarks for every 3-5 things you complete. You have to remember that the fun part is the journey! Take time to pat yourself on the back for heading in the right direction and staying focused.
6. Keep Your Dream Close
I say this figuratively and physically. Keeping your dream and goals in the forefront of your mind is imperative to you accomplishing it. Make sure to dedicate something pertaining to it each and every day. It can be an IG post of your progress or even a sticky note written to yourself with a quote of motivation. You have to always be thinking of your goals to find the urgency within them. Also, not everyone needs to know your goal. That’s right.
According to Psychology Today, if you tell others your goals, you’re less likely to accomplish them. When you speak to someone about what you want to do and how you’re going to do it, it allows room for determent. People have their opinions, and often project how they feel you should see yourself. Not to mention, when someone does like your idea they will most likely applaud and praise you before you’ve even broken ground, leaving your endorphins feeling a sense of accomplishment and taking the urgency out of your initial goal.
Tia Muhammad, BS, is an award-winning freelance content & media creative, copywriter, blogger, digital designer, and marketing consultant. She owns the boutique content and digital media company, jackieGLDN|studio.