Fifty years ago, women could get pretty, go to a social event, meet a guy, date exclusively, and be married within 6 months all before the age of 21. In today’s world, where everyone is considering their options and women don’t need men financially, dating is much more competitive. Let’s just face it. Dating is work.
Many women aren’t waiting for a man to approach them. They approach men too. Some men find it attractive when a woman pursues. Some men think it’s too aggressive. Then, there are traditional women who would rather not pursue at all.
Should women approach men or not? There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Luckily, I’ve been able to find a healthy balance in the middle for the traditionalists and progressives. Approaching a man is not required. However, flirting is. Here’s how women get express interest without compromising their traditional values.
1. Eye Contact - Flirtingly gazing in a man’s eyes will get his attention without being too aggressive. When you notice him looking at you, look back for at least 3 seconds and no more than 5. You want him to notice you’re looking without thinking you’re weird. Sometimes you’ll have to do this 3 or 4 times before he gets the idea but it works and requires little effort on your part.
2. Smile - An old-fashioned smile goes a long way. Remember, men fear rejection just as much as women. When you smile, he is more comfortable approaching. Even if you reject him, you’re less likely to be rude.
3. Joke Around - Do something silly like stick out your tongue. Trust me. It works. You’ll likely make him laugh and humor is attractive. His guards will be down and you’ve given him the green light to pursue you.
4. Wink - Nothing says “I’m interested” more than a wink. It’s universal communication. If you wink at a man or woman and they don’t respond, they’re either not interested or not available. Smile then wink. Their response will tell you what to do next.
5. Nod Your Head - When you nod your head, you’re acknowledging that you see him amongst all the others in the room. You’re letting him know he stands out. Do this with a smile. Like the others mentioned above, it lets him know you’re less likely to reject him. In other words, you’ve given him the green light.
6. Expose your neck and wrist - Whether you do this by tossing your hair or circling the top of a wine glass with your finger, you’re communicating confidence and vulnerability. The inside of our wrist and neck are vulnerable areas of our body. When you exposethese areas, you’re giving off feminine energy. Masculine energy men are attracted to feminine energy women
Any of these methods can work together or individually. The overall theme ishelping the man feel more comfortable pursuing. Since men are usually approaching women, they’ve experienced the best and the worst of rejection. So much so that they’d rather avoid rejection altogether.
If he is interested in you, available, and feels comfortable pursuing you, he will. Your job is to make him feel comfortable.