Not all snacks are created equal. Before you reach for that small bag of chips or candy as a little snack to "hold you over" check out these snacks that actually have been proven to turn your body into "burning fat mode":
1. Frozen Peas & Corn - Frozen vegetables often taste better because they're not turning into starch, like their produce-aisle counterparts. Freezing vegetables seals in their naturally sweet flavor. Half of a cup of peas has 55 calories and 3 g of fiber; the same amount of corn contains 72 calories with 2 g of fiber. The high-fiber and low-calorie-density combination means they're filling and satisfying, and the frozen part makes them interesting.
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2. Apples & Walnut mix - Apples have been shown to keep weight gain away. The best way to lose weight is to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. That increases volume and decreases calorie density. Cut your apple up and mix it with some chopped walnuts and a teaspoon or two of maple syrup. Or eat it with a tablespoon of peanut butter to add about 100 calories' worth of the satiating power of nuts.
3. Oatmeal - Studies have found that oatmeal is more filling than dry cereal with the same calories and fiber content. Just don't add butter or white sugar to it Feel free to add fruit, specifically apples, or pure 100% maple syrup.
4. Soy chips - a high-fiber, low-fat snack that's a significant source of soy protein. According to a recent study in the International Journal of Obesity, soy protein, not only helps facilitate weight loss, but also helps ensure that the weight lost is fat rather than muscle. The isoflavones in soy act like estrogen and inhibit the enzyme that facilitates fat deposits.
5. Frozen Juice bars - Look for the ones that are pure juice and don't have anything added in them. The benefit of these is that they not only fill you up, they also satisfy your craving for sweet treats as well. Most are just a few calories, and they've even got some vitamins too.
6. Licorice - Licorice has an active ingredient called glycyrrhetinic acid, has been shown to help reduce body fat mass. It actually blocks an enzyme that plays a role in fat accumulation.
7. Plain Greek Yogurt - Forget about the yogurt that has all the fruit on the bottom and increases your intake of sugar. Plain Greek yogurt also has enzymes that help curb fat cells as well as settle your stomach.