About The GW Ron and Joy Paul Kidney Center
Kidney Talks is presented by the GW Ron and Joy Paul Kidney Center, MOTTEP (Minority Organ Tissue Transplant Education Program), and The Pennsylvania Ave Baptist Church and features a pioneer in kidney transplants (Dr. Clive Callender) and a record-breaking transplant surgeon, Dr. J. Keith Melancon. Hosted by Rev. Dr. Kendrick Curry, the program focuses on all aspects of kidney health, from maintenance to transplantation. The show also welcomes regular guests and discussion of kidney and other health related topics.
Watch The GW Ron and Joy Paul Kidney Center

Rev. Kendrick Curry, PhD
Dr. Clive Callender
Dr. J. Keith Melancon
In the epidemic of kidney disease, the number of those people in need far outweighs those donating. Washington, D.C., more than any other city in the United States, has been at the center of this off-balance issue.
The Ronald and Joy Paul Foundation, with a $2.5 million gift, is establishing the GW/Ron and Joy Paul Kidney Center to address the urgent need for community awareness of kidney disease diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.