Brittne Babe is a natural athlete, college graduate, figure competitor, certified personal trainer, health and wellness coach and a social media phenom. She's built up a formidable fitness empire with over 1 million instagram followers, one-on-one training programs and personalized meal plans.
You would think that with her body and looks that it came it easy. But in actuality, it was her mom's (they look A LOT alike) doing that really helped propel her into the spotlight.
"I was a freshman and put on a lot of weight," confesses Brittne. "I wasn’t huge, but I wasn’t as slim as I used to be. At that point, I reached out for help but it didn’t work out well. I figured out how to do everything on my own. I researched everything and took classes while at school."
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"I started to put my social media to good use documenting my journey. People were asking me for help, [so] I made an email account and helped people daily for free by giving out meal plans, video guides, recipes, and tips. I stayed up all night. My mom was like, 'What’s going on here?' She told me that I can’t do everything that I’m good at for free. That’s when I began to [build my business.] My mom helped me a lot. She had to leave her job because I didn’t know what I was doing."
"My mom got into nutrition about 10 years ago," explains Brittne to MadameNoire. "She pretty much threw everything out. At first, I was pissed. Eventually, it changed my lifestyle."
"As adults, we need to have awareness about any issues that are going on internally. Get your physical. You will get a full report of what you need to work on. Don’t just do it for yourself. Do it for your family as well. Knowing what’s going on inside your body is number one. Heart disease is a silent killer. You may think you are fine because you are skinny. My cousin is 110 pounds but she is on the highest dose of blood pressure medicine because she likes to eat salt."
"I have a slight case of scoliosis and on one side of my body there is a dent (I am shaped like an S)," confesses Brittne. "I used to be really insecure about it, but I’m learning to own it and love my body for being as unique as it is. In terms of body confidence, there is a fine line between being confident and over or underweight. There is no reason anyone should...
...accept poor health and pass it off as body confident. However, if there are some things you cannot control (i.e. crooked leg, crooked spine, big hips, etc.) you need to own it because it is what makes you “YOU.”
When asked about how she and her mom get along now that she is older, Brittne explains that the two are like best friends.
"We go to the gym. We meal plan. We like doing that. It’s not a punishment. I like going on Instagram and taking pictures. We like teaching our friends and talking to them about fitness. We like people asking us if we’re sisters. We do this full-time meaning from when we wake up until we go to bed. We spend our entire day putting together different ideas, workouts, programs, and videos."
With so many "instagram models" out on the market and people who claim to be personal fitness trainers, Brittne has some stern advice for those who want to stand out.
"Don’t get butt naked on Instagram. You don’t have to take pictures in your panties. You don’t have to concentrate on butt workouts. Have personality. Be yourself. Training is not just about how many push ups you can do. Don’t be rude. Be sensitive and positive."
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For more on Brittne, visit her website here.
To follow her on social media, follow her on Instagram here.