Often, when we think of rape, we picture a stranger jumping out from nowhere and attacking someone, but that theory is way off. According to a 2010 study conducted by the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, more than half of female rape victims had been attacked by a current or former partner, while 40 percent had been raped by an acquaintance. And since the introduction of date rape drugs in the mid-90s, it’s become much easier for sexual predators to assault their victims.
A ‘date rape drug’ is any drug that’s intentionally used to sexually assault a person. They can be slipped into your drink when you’re not looking or when you leave your drink unattended. The scary part is that date rape drugs have no color, smell or taste. They cause the victim to become weak, dizzy, confused and in some cases, pass out, leaving them unable to turn down sex or defend themselves. In many cases, victims cannot remember what happened while they were drugged.
The three most common date rape drugs are Rohypnol, GHB and Ketamine. Rohypnol comes as a pill that dissolves in liquids, while GHB can come in a liquid, a white powder and a pill. Ketamine comes as a liquid and a white powder. With Rohypnol and GHB, the person drugged starts feeling the effects within 15-30 minutes while Ketamine acts right away.
The good news is that there are several things you can do to help avoid falling victim to the date rape drug.
- Don’t accept drinks from people you don’t know or trust.
- Never leave your drink unattended or turn away from your drink. If you do, throw it out and pour yourself a new one.
- When you’re at a bar or club, always get your drink directly from the bartender and don’t take your eyes off the bartender or your drink.
- Don’t drink from punch bowls, pitchers or tubs.
- Don’t let someone pour your drink for you; make your own.
- Don’t be oblivious. If you hear someone talking about the date rape drug, or your friends seem too intoxicated for the amount alcohol they’ve consumed, inform someone and leave right away.
- If you accept drinks in closed containers, such as bottles or cans, check to make sure the seal has not been broken.
- If you start feeling lightheaded, nauseous, or dizzy, seek help immediately.
- Don’t share drinks.
- Don’t drink anything that tastes or smells strange.
- If possible, bring along a non-drinking friend to help keep an eye out on everything so that nothing happens.
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