Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey, or maybe in the midst of a weight loss slump, truth be told there are quite a few neat tips and tricks to help fire up your metabolism so that you can lose weight faster – and even more effortlessly! And lucky for you, today I’ll be sharing 6 of my favorite speedy weight loss tips. Plus, I’ve thrown in a 7th bonus tip!
1. Exercise on an empty stomach
When it comes to weight loss, fasted training – aka exercising on an empty stomach – is easily one of the most underutilized methods to burn body fat faster, and it’s really unfortunate that so many people are totally unaware of the amazing benefits of exercising on an empty stomach.
That said, the subject of fasted training is fascinating, to say the least, and if you’d like to learn more about how exercising on an empty stomach can be used to help you lose weight faster, check out my Fit 411 episode.
2. Stuff yourself with greens.
So you’ve heard that eating greens like spinach and kale are good for you because they contain tons of healthy goodies like B vitamins, calcium, iron, and lots of fiber to help you feel fuller longer. But here’s another reason why you should eat more greens– fucoxanthin. But what exactly is fucoxanthin?
Well, fucoxanthin is a special compound that’s found in chlorophyll-bearing plants like spinach, kale and kelp. And what makes fucoxanthin so special is that it has been shown in studies to help burn fat! Another great reason to load up on those green veggies!
3. Exercise smarter not longer.
A good rule of thumb in fitness and in life is to work smarter and not necessarily harder. And when it comes to weight loss this rule is even truer when we look at different exercise protocols, such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which involves short, intense bursts of exercise with slow recovery phases (i.e. sprinting) – rather than longer, more traditional workouts (i.e jogging).
Simply put: Studies show that shorter, more intense HIIT workouts can help your body burn fat faster while also boosting your metabolism 24+ hours after exercise – which is something you won’t get from long-duration, lower-intensity exercise. Plus, for those who have tight schedules, HIIT can also prove to be more effective because these types of workouts are easier to schedule and commit to.
4. Go loco for coconuts!
True or false: Eating fat will make you fat?
In case you haven’t heard, eating “fatty foods” like avocados and coconuts can actually help you lose weight! Now let’s talk coconuts. The reason why coconut is considered a “weight loss food” is because it contains a special type of fat called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs).
The reason why MCTs rock is because they help increase metabolic efficiency and thus help our bodies become better fat-burning machines – especially when burning belly fat!
5. Take a shot of apple cider vinegar.
Ask any health nut (like myself!) about apple cider vinegar and you’re sure to get a laundry list of why apple cider vinegar rocks. And as far as weight loss, the reason why apple cider vinegar is so awesome is because it can help detox the body and suppress hunger.
Now personally, I like to drink a cup of diluted apple cider vinegar daily because it provides tons of health, weight loss, and beauty benefits. Plus, diluted apple cider vinegar also makes for a great, shine-boosting and detangling hair rinse!
RELATED: 7 Best Kept Secrets For Weight Loss
6. Eat more protein.
As I mentioned earlier with coconut oil, there are in fact certain foods and nutrients that help “boost” our metabolism. Case in point: protein! Problem is, when most people set out to lose weight, they don’t get near enough protein in their diet and the end result is typically that they end up lowering their body’s full fat-burning potential.
One very easy way to avoid this pitfall is to simply increase your intake of protein-rich foods like meat, eggs, fish, nuts, beans, seeds, and even protein supplements, which will help preserve and build precious calorie-burning muscle while also helping to keep your metabolism stoked.
** Bonus Weight Loss Trick **
7. Use a fat burner.
In the near future, I’ll do a more extensive video on fat burners, but for now, I’ll keep things short and sweet and quickly mention fat burners as a bonus weight loss tip for one simple reason – because they work!
The key to fat burners is that you want to invest in a high-quality fat burner that contains ingredients that have been proven in studies to facilitate fat burn – like caffeine, green tea, and ginseng – to name a few.
If you’d like to learn more about FitBody, my dietary supplement for increased energy and fat burn, just head over to my website. And remember, whether you use FitBody or another brand of fat burner to help facilitate faster weight loss, make sure you always drink ample water when taking your fat burner, and also make sure you follow the directions on the label.
Have you used any of the above tips/tricks to lose weight? Want more fitness and natural beauty tips? Head over to my blog for a healthy dose of FitBeauty!
Dr. Phoenyx Austin, M.D. is a Sports Medicine Specialist, Bestselling author, Communications Consultant, and founder of the "FitBeauty" movement for women who love natural beauty, fitness, and healthy living. Find Dr. Phoenyx on her website, YouTube, and Instagram.