It’s okay. We all have our moments of falling off the money train, but it’s getting back on fast, that seems to challenge us most. Yes, some financial goals will take longer than others, but for the most part, you can easily turn your money woes around within no time.
Check out these 6 quick ways to get your money back on track:
Stop using all credit cards immediately.
Your new motto needs to be: If I don’t have it, I don’t spend it. Period. Credit cards are so easy to get and use, it should be criminal. The more you use it the more you will owe of your own money. It’s like getting an advance at work, you may get this money right now, but you won’t see that money next pay. So, use it wisely.
Unsubscribe from unnecessary subscriptions and bills.
This may be the second if not the first thing to do whentrying to save. Say your goodbyes now to that HBO subscription, the Amazon Prime, Spotify, and any other very unnecessary items racking up a bill at the end of the month. Trust, you can do without your groceries being delivered to you for a few months.
Say no to coffee trips, lunch dates, and happy hours.
As tempting as it is... Sometimes you just need to be that person that says “no”. Hey, you want to stop to get Starbucks? “No” We want try out the new place across the street from the office, want to join? “No” Join us Friday to welcome our new team member! “No”
And don’t feel “no” way about it... You’ve got paper to stack!
Pick up OT or a second job.
There’s almost always room to do more at work or extra time on your hands to pick up a second gig. Take advantage of that dedicated TV time or partying and put it towards something that you’ll see results from. Don’t think you’llbe motivated? Once you see that first check of extra funds hit, you’ll be committed and sold.
Shop only the necessities.
Yes, this means no new lipsticks, the latest Jordans or new 2K... Literally, pay your bills, get gas and shop your groceries for a month straight. You’ll be amazed at how much you save not spending on frivolous things.
Set and stick to a realistic budget.
Write out how much you expect to get paid then subtract your bills, gas, and groceries. See what’s left that you want to set aside for your savings then spend what is left over from that wisely. This will be your discretionary income that can go towards the little things you may want like coffee once a week or eating out for lunch one day. But just know that that’s it! No dipping into your savings for anything extra.
Tia Muhammad, BS, is an award-winning freelance content & media creative, copywriter, blogger, digital designer, and marketing consultant. She owns the boutique content and digital media company, jackieGLDN|studio.