Are you wondering what you can do to prep your home for weight loss goals?
Losing weight requires a prepared mind, body, soul...and home.
Neglecting to convert your abode into a healthy, weight-loss-friendly zone can offset your efforts and make all your hard work seem even harder.
Here's the simple way to get your digs primed for your pound-shedding journey.
Set The Mood With Lighting
Dim lighting makes food look more attractive, which actually encourages binge eating.
Keep the lighting in the kitchen and dining room bright so you’re fully aware of what and how much you’re eating.
Music may also help curb stress-related overeating. If there is a certain song or type of music that calms you down, keep it on hand.
Downsize Your Dishes
People eat what’s on their plates even if it’s more than what they need.
If your dinner plates are huge, buy smaller dishes so you’re less likely to serve oversized portions.
Buy smaller wine and drinking glasses as well so you don’t consume too many liquid calories. It’s more difficult to exercise portion control when you’re pouring into a large glass.
Feel Blue: A Great Tip to Prep Your Home For Weight Loss
Don’t be surprised to find out that red, yellow, and orange in the kitchen and dining room are hunger-inducing colors (think fast food restaurants). Keep these colors out of areas you eat and go for shades of blue instead.
Studies show that people who dine in a blue room eat about 33 percent less than those who eat in a yellow or red room. Cool tones make food look less appealing, while warmer colors, especially yellow, have the opposite effect.
Keep The Kitchen A Kitchen
Many people talk phone in the kitchen, work at the kitchen table, open bills and write budgets in the kitchen.
The same way you sleep better when you don’t bring your work into the bedroom, you’ll eat better when you don’t work in your kitchen. Keep your eating space and your working space separate.
Encourage A Good Night’s Rest With Lavender Prep Your Home For Weight Loss
Studies show that natural remedies like lavender can help promote healthy sleep and relaxation, which in turn may help promote weight loss.
People who only sleep five hours a night instead of the recommended seven to eight hours are 50 percent more likely to be obese.
Spray Jasmine Or Peppermint Scents Around The House
Peppermint or jasmine scents are known to increase energy and alertness. Burn a jasmine-scented candle or spray peppermint oil mixed with water around your home to help boost your energy.
Keep Simple Weight Loss Workout Equipment Handy To Prep Your Home
Having a yoga mat or dumbbells in plain sight around the house will help keep exercise and your weight loss goals on your mind. If you’re watching television and you see your dumbbells nearby, you may be more inclined to pick them up and do a few sets of exercises than if they were hidden away in the closet.
Say Goodbye To “Fat” Clothes
Many women have a wardrobe that covers a range of sizes. This makes it convenient to gain a few pounds and feel content. Get rid of this safety net by cleaning your closet and donating clothes on the larger end of your range. You’ll find that your mindset about gaining a few pounds will change and your motivation to get and keep the weight off will increase.