Daycare, to most parents, is the most practical option when it comes to daytime childcare. The children get to interact with one another and participate in fun activities while their parents handle business--it seems like the perfect plan. While the convenience is perfect for business needs, daycare has one downside-- shared germs!
In the Winter months especially, it's no surprise that parents begin to worry when their children return home coughing and sneezing. Pediatrician Amy Sniderman, M.D. from Cleveland Clinic states, “Anytime you have a large group of kinds, you’ll have germs.” Children often fall sick at higher rates because their immune systems are still developing and are not strong enough to battle most germs and bacteria. These health issues are not completely at a loss, their immune system will actually grow stronger. Even though it is most likely that your child will succumb to the daycare illnesses, there are some ways to keep them healthy while at daycare.
Healthy Habits at Home: Children often continue practices that they learn at home when they're away from home. For this reason, it is important for parents to instill healthy habits in their children. An American Heart Association article recognizes the need for being a good role model and even recommends getting the whole family involved. Small children are fragile and require as many boosts that they can receive. Healthy habits such as staying active, eating well-balanced meals, and creating a consistent bedtime are necessary. Raising children with unhealthy lifestyle practices can lead to a weakened adult immune system.
Hand Washing is a Must: Adults know how important hand washing is, but children do not know that dirty fingers relate to getting sick. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention tells us that hand washing is important because people are constantly touching their eyes, nose, and mouth without always realizing it.
Germs tend to enter our bodies through theseareas and make us sick. At home, encourage kids to wash their hands routinely before and after specific activities like eating, going outside, and after using the restrooms.
One good trick for the kids is using the “Happy Birthday” song. Singing this song twice while washing their hands, is one way they can be sure they've washed their hands for an ample amount of time. Not only should this be discussed at home, but explain to them why they need to wash their hands when they are at daycare.
Choose the Right Daycare: A daycare may look suitable from the outside, but you want to be sure to do your research before you decide if it is THE ONE. Detailed information, such as their internal policies and procedures, their necessary licensing to state-regulated health codes, and requirements to remove children when they fall ill could make a huge impact on your child’s health.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are State laws that have established vaccination requirements for children who attend private schools and most daycare facilities. Be sure to look into this for your state and determine if your child's daycare is working with you to keep them healthy.
Get Vaccinations: Although some daycares may not require vaccinations, it's a good idea to have your child vaccinated before engaging at daycare. It is common that not all children within a facility have been vaccinated, however, this practice increases the likelihood of illnesses being spread. Talk to your family doctor and discuss the pros and cons to vaccinations and make the best decision for your family.
Additionally, Fox News suggests finding out what the vaccination policies are for staff since teachers and staff can also be a source of germs. Daycare facilities should also be sure that their staff is up-to-date on correct healthcare practices.