You know a great time to check in with the current state of your finances? Now.
A healthy financial state can dictate healthy living in a number of ways. How’s your money looking in Q1? Before you get too far away from those 2019 financial goals, check on the state of your finances with these steps.
Revisit 2018’s financial goals.
Somehow 2018 flew by. Like me, you may not have met the financial goals you set for yourself back in January. Luckily, there are still a few weeks left in the year to refocus and make strides. Revisit your goals and prioritize what should roll over into next year’s financial planning.
Review subscriptions and fees.
Do you really need subscriptionsto three streaming apps and four beauty boxes? Take stock of the monthly fees you’re paying. Which are you actually using? Ten dollars a month may not seem like a lot but those fees can add up when multiplied across several accounts that you aren’t even interested in.
Check in on debt.
Getting a clear picture of how much you’re in debt can be scary. But it’s important to bite the bullet and review all of the different debts you have to get a better picture of your net worth and guide your financial priorities for 2019.
Consider what to do with your tax return.
Put your tax return toward afinancial goal you set for yourself this year that you may have gotten behind on. Whether it was saving for a vacation or paying off credit card debt, start thinking about how you can use your return money to achieve that goal in 2019. You can calculate your estimated return with this tool.
Balance your budget.
Is your current budget realistic or are you continue spending more than you’ve allotted for yourself? Consider making adjustments that are in line with the amount of money you actually need to spend rather than the amount you think you should spend.
Jasmine Berry, B.A. in Journalism is a graduate of Hampton University and is soon to have her master of public health from Tulane University. She loves all things mental wellness and a good cup of tea.