Business mogul Russell Simmons is definitely a busy man. From co-founding the legendary hip-hop music label Def Jam and creating the clothing fashion lines Phat Farm, Argyleculture, and American Classics, not to mention his hand in creating Def Comedy Jam and Def Poetry Jam, Russell continues to make multi-million dollar deals in music and entertainment.
But when he's asked over and over again what it takes to be successful, the 60-year-old creative entrepreneur gives an answer that most people don't expect. Many think the answer may be working day and night or positioning yourself in the right circle of people, but Russell's answer is more simple: Be still with meditation.
Twenty minutes, twice a day. That's Russell's routine, like clockwork. When asked why he — or anyone — should meditate, the media mogul has a straight answer: "The first, most important thing about meditation is happiness. You become a happier person when you meditate," he says.
Simmons shares his straightforward, no-nonsense take on the practice, which he first adopted in yoga class, and later infused with principles from Transcendental Meditation, a mind-focused style he learned of at a school in South Africa. His app, Meditation Made Simple (a companion to his best-selling book, Success Through Stillness) is available to those who want help.
Here are TWO ways the man who brought us Run-DMC offered to get you started:
Reverse The Rush
Growing up in Hollis, Queens, Simmon's got his nickname, "Rush" since his attention could never stay put. That drive fueled his early career, but it was when he slowed down, finding value in quiet moments of stillness (like sitting in a silent recording studio working on a final mix), he says he felt more fulfilled and inspired. "Meditation got me to learn to be more patient," Simmons says, "And the only thing you really need...
... to be a good meditator is patience."
Commit & Commit Again
"Put your alarm on, don't move, and commit," Simmons says, when describing how to meditate. "The mind will go crazy without the movement, but the mind has no choice but to settle, as the nervous system settles." In his guided meditation, Simmons says there's no "right" way to meditate, so start with what's comfortable — sit however you like, wherever you like — but set an alarm for 10 or 20 minutes so you won't worry about the time. Eventually, your mind will relax, and you'll gain the ability to let go of unwanted thoughts, worries, or frustrations. If you still find it too challenging, Simmons suggests toughening up: "My daughter started at nine, and if she can do the twenty minutes, so can you."
Stress has harmful effects on the body, worsening certain medical conditions and increasing cortisol production in the body. Cortisol is a hormone released into the bloodstream as part of the “fight or flight” response during stressful situations. While small amounts of it can be beneficial in providing bursts of energy, heightened cognitive function and lower sensitivity to pain, prolonged levels of the hormone from chronic stress can be damaging to the body and increase the risk for obesity and certain illnesses.
Research has shown that meditation can help reduce the levels of cortisol in the bloodstream and increase immune response in the body. For Simmons, Transcendental Meditation has helped improve his cognitive function and balance his mental well-being.
So if one of the busiest men in the world can take time every day to be still, maybe you should too.