Do you have an emergency kit in your dorm ready to be used? If not, have you considered the benefits of preparing a first aid kit to be readily available? Life can be unpredictable, and we never know when we could find ourselves in unfortunate circumstances.
With that being said, it is important to stay prepared. As college students, there is always something going on. Many of us are away from our families and must remain safe and healthy.
Here are a few tips for preparing a first-aid kit. When preparing your first aid kit, make sure to include the following items:
- Multi-Vitamins
- Acetaminophen or ibuprofen for aches and fever
- Cold & Allergy Medicine
- Cough Drops/Sore Throat Lozenges
- Allergy Medicine (i.e., Benadryl)
- Antacids
- Anti-Diarrhea Medicine
- Antibiotic Ointment
- Eye Drops (for Irritation)
- Band-Aids (Various Sizes...think about some colorful ones!)
- Alcohol-Based Sterile Wipes
- Tweezers
- Thermometer
- Heating pad
Also, remember that flu season arrives during the first semester. To prepare for a possible illness, purchase the following items to get back to yourself and resist missing too many classes.
- Kleenex
- Sports Drinks
- Soups
- Decongestants
Keeping Your Kit Up To Date
When utilizing anything, it is expected that you may have to restock your items from time to time. The same thing applies to a first aid kit as well. You never want to realize that you ran out of what you need right in an emergency.
The only way to avoid this is to restock regularly. Maybe keeping a reminder for when your items run out or even just making it a monthly routine to add more supplies to your kit can be helpful.
First Aid As Practical Skill
Though it may seem surprising, first aid should be a practical skill for you and those around you. There are a few things that you should know when it comes down to first aid.
A few of these basic skills include CPR, setting a splint, and stopping bleeding in certain situations. Other first aid skills include the Heimlich maneuver, treating a burn, spotting a concussion, and supporting a sprain.
So how do you learn these basic skills, you may ask? First aid training can be learned through online courses or instruction-led classes. These are great for first-timers and those embarking on new journeys away from home.
Learning these skills comes with benefits. Not only will it guard the safety of you and others, but there are also other benefits because of learning first aid. There are a few ways that learning these basic skills can assist you.By knowing these things, you can learn to remain calm in all situations, improve self-confidence, develop leadership skills, and more.
Where Should I Store My First Aid Kit?
There are several great places to store your first aid kit. Whether it be a nice kitchen or bathroom cabinet, a nice corner in the center of your residence, or even in your bedroom, making sure this kit is in a spot that is easy to reach is very important.
You never want to be in the middle of an unfortunate circumstance and struggle to reach or find your kit. This is why the kit should always be accessible to you and others. When deciding on a spot for your first aid kit, you might want to consider the following:
- What place can I get to quickly in case of an emergency?
- Where is a spot that I can easily remember?
- Is this a great spot to handle an emergency if need be?
We hope that this was helpful to you, and we hope you consider each of these items while prepping your first-aid kit!