There is no right or wrong answer as to when is the best time of day to workout. There are advantages to both morning, afternoon and evening exercise. We all have busy schedules and most people can only exercise before or after work so getting into a routine that works for you and being consistent is all that matters. There are several factors to consider.
First, we have to look at how our bodies function over a 24-hour period. Our biological clock helps regulate when we eat, body temperature, blood pressure and sleep patterns. These are called circadian rhythms which is a 24-hour body clock that signals a myriad of physiological processes like eating and sleeping for example.
It is generally set by light and dark but can be affected by sleep patterns, stress levels and mealtimes. Food and proper rest are important foundations for exercise. If we are in sync with our circadian rhythm, the stress hormone cortisol rises in the morning and remains level throughout the day. It acts as our natural caffeine boost making the morning a great time to work out.
There are benefits that go with whatever time we choose to workout. For example, morning workouts are ideal for burning fat and losing weight. They are the best way to burn stored fat because our hormonal composition is set up to support that. We have higher levels of cortisol and growth hormone in the morning. After a morning workout, we might feel more alert during the day which can lead to more productivity.
Afternoon workouts may work better because we would have already had a meal or two which is great for our blood sugar levels. This is important if trying to work at a higher intensity. It could also help avoid an afternoon slump. This can shift our body clock in the same way as an early morning workout.
Working out in the evening also has its benefits. It might be more convenient to workout in the evening for one. As far as it disrupting sleep patterns, the jury is still out on that one but studies have shown that doing yoga or some stress relieving activity could help us sleep better.
The bottom line is that there is no wrong time to work out. It is a matter of what works best and sticking to it.
Jaena Mebane, a graduate of Fordham University-B.A., Fitness Professional, Bodybuilder and creator of GLUTEUS FABULOUS. My motto is “Inspiring Others to Live a Healthy Lifestyle, Mind, Body, and Soul.” You can find me on Instagram @gluteus_fabulous