Modern technology is something that we see advance and change every day. From the beginning of time, modern technology has helped society reach new levels that were thought to not be possible. With new technology comes better and more accurate ways to improve science, which leads to advancements in medicine and health. One of the old but newer types of advancements in modern medicine has been the BMI scale. This has helped people find a medium of where they should be weight-wise and health-wise. As compelling as this system was when it was first discovered, you have to ask yourself, what truly is the BMI scale and how does it work? How do you know if it accurately works for everyone regardless of race or gender since it was based on one specific type of race and one specific type of gender? Is the BMI scale truly accurate for Black folks?
What Is BMI?
BMI otherwise known as Body Mass Index is a type of scale or tool that healthcare providers use to measure the amount of body fat on a person. This tool is used to help diagnose weight types and look for any risk factors that may be linked to certain health conditions.
A higher BMI could lead to life-threatening conditions such as type 2 diabetes, stroke and heart failure. Those with low BMI indexes may develop malnutrition. With the BMI scale, doctors assess how much of a risk someone may be at depending on the amount of body fat that they have.
How Is It Calculated?
The BMI scale is calculated by using your weight and height and measuring the ratio between the two to see how much body fat you have. The weight is calculated in kilograms and divided by the square height in meters.
RELATED: What Is BMI & How Can I Calculate It?
Does This Scale Work For Everyone?
The thing about the BMI scale is that it’s a tool that’s used to assess a person's body fat but this tool is not always accurate.
This type of tool is what healthcare providers use as a quick reference to see if there are any potential risk factors that can either lead to life-threatening medical conditions and complications or if the amount of body fat you have is the reason for these medical conditions or symptoms you may be facing.
There are many reasons why this scale can not be used on everyone. One reason is because the BMI scale doesn’t differentiate between lean body mass and fat mass so the results you get from the assessment can be inaccurate.
Another reason why the BMI scale might not work for you is because of your race and gender.
The BMI scale is based on studies done on white populations meaning there is no information on what healthy body mass and fat are for Black or other people of color.
That means when comparing the two of what’s healthy and what is not, you’re bound to get not only different results but no true discoveries of what is a healthy body mass and fat for Black and brown people.
The BMI scale should also not be used to assess the weight of children, teenagers, pregnant people, athletes, bodybuilders and people over 65.
RELATED: BMI Chart Women: Is This Scale Broken For Black Women?
What To Be Mindful Of
When your doctor pulls out the BMI tool to measure your body fat and compare it to what is stated to be the healthy levels that everyone should adhere to, just remember that this does not determine how healthy you may be or even if that is the correct amount of body fat you have.
This scale is just a quick tool to assess where you might be. Regardless of what your body mass index is, it’s important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet and get enough exercise.
Just because the scale may not be completely accurate does not mean it’s wrong. Being mindful is the most important tool to have.