Black hair. Many women have a love-hate relationship with their hair.
When it's cared for it can be so beautiful, but when it is mistreated or neglected it can be difficult, frustrating, and unpredictable.
However, one clear sign of hair mistreatment that many women deal with is those little hair pieces that end up in the sink, on the pillowcase, on the back collar of a shirt, etc.
That is breakage and believe it or not, not everyone experiences this every time they do their hair.
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How do you prevent your hair from breaking off?
Fortunately, there are five primary things you can do to maintain healthier and stronger hair that sees less breakage!
Keep Your Hair Clean
Shampoo your hair as needed. If you exercise often, work outside, or often find yourself in an area where dirt, odors, smoke, or excessive residue is in the air, you should shampoo your hair at least once per week. Use shampoos that are suited to your hair type, texture, and condition.
If your hair is relaxed, color-treated, dry, or has any other special needs, take extra care to ensure that the shampoo is not only gentle.
Keep Your Hair Strong
Use the right conditioner. If your hair is weak and breaking off, you will need to use a protein-based treatment to add strength back to your fragile hair.
Hair is approximately 85-90% protein and will need protein to restore what may have been lost.
Keep Your Hair Moisturized
Always follow a protein treatment with a moisture treatment to soften hair that has been strengthened and often hardened by protein. Your hair needs moisture, particularly when it is exposed to chemical treatments and heat appliances. Use a moisturizing hair dress between shampoos.
Deep condition your hair, at least once per week to keep hair soft and flexible. Hair is approximately 10-15 % moisture and when moisture is lost hair becomes dry and brittle and will surely break off.
Keep Your Hair Detangled
Friction is the number #1 cause of hair breaking off in women regardless of culture, hair type, or texture. Hair is a fiber and when fibers rub against each other, they create friction and often tangle. Tangled hair often becomes torn and ripped out.
Leave-in conditioners are excellent for their detangling benefits. Better quality leave-in products provide a much-needed layer of protection to the hair that can last long after the conditioning service.
Keep Your Ends Healthy
Pay attention to the ends of your hair. If you notice split ends, cut them off immediately because splits can go all the way up your hair shaft.
Think of it as a run in your stockings, it cannot be repaired and will continue to expand with daily wear and tear.
The only way to rid yourself of the split is to remove it before it goes up the hair shaft.
RELATED: The Ultimate Healthy Hair Diet
More Tips To Avoid Hair Breaking Off:
• Comb your hair once daily, with a large-tooth comb. No broken teeth - they can rip and tear hair strands.
• Use a baby brush for smoothing your edges because edges are naturally very fragile.
• If hair is natural use a boar bristle brush, never nylon because it can cut hair strands.
• If your hair is relaxed, use a paddle brush, plastic, and rubber with balled tips to protect your strands.
• Avoid using excessive and repeated heat. Use curling/flat irons and blow dryers only when hair is clean, and only when absolutely necessary, such as for special occasions.
• Sleep in a satin cap or on a satin pillowcase.
• Eat a balanced diet and take vitamins to keep hair healthy and strong from the inside: vitamin C, vitamin E, and silica vitamin B, zinc, copper, protein, and Biotin, to name a few.