Are you looking for the best foods to help you erase stretch marks?
It doesn’t matter if you’re thick or thin, stretch marks can show up on your body. Anyone can develop stretch marks, although they tend to affect more women than men.
Stretch marks, also known as Striae or Striae distensae, are a form of scarring on the skin with an off-color hue.
Some people call them “love lines” because of all of the love that went into their bodies that caused them. They are typically caused by tearing of the dermis during periods of the rapid growth of the body, such as during puberty or pregnancy.
Stretch marks typically appear as bands of parallel lines on your skin. These lines are a different color and texture than your normal skin, and they range from purple to bright pink to light gray.
Over time, stretch marks may diminish, but many will not disappear completely.
But, if used correctly, food can be the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to our skin. Check out how to use food to get rid of stretch marks…fast!
1. The Sweetness of Apricots Can Erase Stretch Marks
Apricot masks are said to help the skin … and that includes stretch marks!
Mash about three of them up, apply to your belly, and allow to sit for 15 minutes.
Repeat twice a day for two weeks. You should start to see a difference
2. Potatoes Are Good Foods to Erase Stretch Marks
To get specific, cut your potato into thick slices.
Rub the pieces over your stretch marks, making sure your slice is juicy.
Allow it to dry and then wash the residue off with warm water.
3. Olive Oil is One of the Best Vitamin E Foods for Stretch Marks
It’s high in Vitamin E, which is great for your skin.
If you’d like to keep it for tonight’s stir-fry, you can also use straight-up vitamin E oil — even the stuff infused with lavender, Jasmine, and rosemary if you’d like.
As long as it has a high concentration of Vitamin E, you’re good to go.
Your skin will soften with olive oil, and when it softens, it expands, closing the gaps in your stretch marks. Some say castor oil is also as effective as any home remedy can be.
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4. Foods: Eggs are Good for Stretch marks
Rub egg whites on your belly. Time to get icky, eh? Hopefully, it’ll be worth it. The protein in egg whites is purported to be super good for your skin and stretch marks in particular. Rub on the stuff three times a day for maximum fading.
5. Sugar Can Make Stretch Marks Disappear
A brown sugar scrub used in many spas is helpful to remove dead skin, so why not stretch marks? Add a little sugar, oil, and lemon juice, and see those stretch marks disappear.
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7. Turmeric can Create a Paste to Erase Stretch Marks
Some women swear that combining turmeric with water or oil to create a paste and then spreading it on stretchmarks twice a day will help make them disappear! It only takes a tablespoon, with a teaspoon of olive oil and a little water. Apply twice a day for two weeks.
8. Lemon Juice Can Help Erase Stretch Marks
Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent. Because of that, it can help stretch marks fade more quickly. Rub in the juices to the affected area and let it dry for about 10 minutes before rinsing off. Be sure to do this several times a day for a noticeable effect.

Visit the Skin and Beauty Center for more articles and tips.