The benefits of working out don’t have to end once you’ve completed the last rep. Research shows your metabolism can stay revved up by 25 percent for up to 15 hours after intense strength training. As a bonus, regular resistance training helps keep your metabolism up and working hard daily. This workout forces your muscles to work harder because each exercise has a slower phase.
For each rep, lift the weight in two counts and lower it in eight. Do two or three sets of each move. Combine these strength training moves with short, high-energy intervals of cardio to boost your calorie burning potential even more
Start by warming up with jogging or cycling for four minutes and end this metabolism-boosting workout with a four-minute cool down.
1. Diagonal Extension
Targets: Quads, Outer Thighs, Core, and Shoulders
• Hold a 3- to 5-pound dumbbell in right hand, elbow bent, at shoulder height with palm facing floor.
• Lift left foot a few inches out to side, toes on floor and heel raised.
• Bring left knee to hip height while lowering right arm diagonally across body to outside of left knee.
• Hold for 1 count, then lower leg and lift arm in 8 counts to start.
• Do 8 to 12 times; switch sides and repeat.
2. Bridge Fly
Targets: Chest, Core, Triceps, Shoulders, and Hamstrings
• Lie faceup on floor with knees bent, feet hip-width apart, holding an 8- to 12-pound dumbbell in each hand, arms extended above shoulders, palms facing in.
• Lift your glutes and lower back off the floor.
• Bend elbows, lowering arms in 8 slow counts until upper arm lightly touches floor, then press back up in 2 counts.
3. Superwoman
Targets: Upper and Middle Back, Shoulders, Biceps, and Core
• Lie facedown on ball, holding a 3- to 5-pound dumbbell in each hand; keep feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
• Straighten arms next to head, palms facing in; lift chest off the ball, slightly arching back.
• Sweep arms behind body until elbows are at waist, palms forward.
• Hold for 1 count, then...
...take 8 counts to return to start.
4. Suspended Bridge
Targets: Core, Triceps, Biceps, Shoulders, Glutes, and Hamstrings
• Sit on floor with heels on top of a stability ball, knees bent into chest and palms on floor under shoulders, fingertips pointing toward feet.
• Tighten abs and press hips up off floor, rolling ball forward; keep head up and chin forward.
• Hold for 1 count, keeping chest pressed toward ceiling.
• Lower hips and roll ball back toward body in 8 counts.
• Do 8 to 12 reps.
5. Balance Lift
Targets: Shoulders, Glutes, Quads, and Core
• Hold a 3- to 5-pound dumbbell in your left hand, palm facing behind you.
• Lean forward slightly from hips, lifting left foot about 6 inches off floor.
• Place right hand on hip with abs engaged.
• Keeping left leg raised, lift left arm up directly above shoulder and over head.
• Lower in 8 counts to start.
• Do 6 to 8 reps; switch sides and repeat.
6. Roll and Curl
Targets: Inner Thighs, Glutes, Quads, Core, and Biceps
• Stand with left knee bent, left toe on top of a stability ball, holding an 8- to 10-pound dumbbell in each hand (not shown).
• Straighten left leg out to the side, rolling the ball away from your body; at the same time, curl weights toward shoulders.
• Take 8 counts to roll back to starting position.
• Do 6 to 8 reps; switch legs and repeat.
7. Hip Twist
Targets: Glutes, Outer Hips, and Core
• Lie with right side over ball, legs extended and right palm on floor, balancing weight on right hand and outside of right foot.
• Place left hand on hip and stack left leg directly over right (not shown).
• Lift left leg to hip height.
• At top of movement, rotate leg, turning toes up.
• Keep leg rotated as you lower in 8 counts.
• Rotate leg back to start.
• Do 8 to 12 reps; switch sides and repeat.