Brrrr! It’s almost that time of year where you can see your own breath as soon as you step outside. When the outdoor temp drops, most of us can’t wait to get back inside to the comforts of our homes. As a result, we tend to skip the gym. No worries! You can still get a good workout inside your home with exercises that can be anywhere, anytime. All of these exercises require NO equipment so they can be performed just about anywhere.
Check out this list of 5 moves you can try in your home today!
1. High Knees
If it’s too cold to run outside and you don’t have a treadmill at home, no worries! High knees are a great cardio exercise that gets your heart pumping and your muscles moving.
A beginner may want to perform the exercise by standing tall, raising one knee at a time, and lowering the foot to the floor.
If you are more advanced and looking for more intense cardio, perform the moving at the pace of a jog or run. High knees can be incorporated into a warm-up, an exercise routine, or done in sets.
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2. Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks are a throwback exercise that most of us became familiar with in P.E. class. Jumping jacks are a good way to get your heart rate up and get your blood flowing.
If traditional jumping jacks bore you, spice it up with jack squats, where your traditional jumping jack ends in a squat. This will give you a cardio and lower body workout at the same time. To get in a full workout with jumping jacks, perform them in sets of 30 – 50 along with other exercises.
3. Push-Ups
Push-ups are another exercise that your P.E. coach taught you. Push-ups are a great strength-building exercise that can be done on any hard, flat surface in your home. With push-ups, you strengthen and build your upper body, abdominal muscles, and your back.
Push-ups can be done in a variety of ways to accommodate your level of fitness. If your upper body isn’t the strongest, try doing push-ups with your knees on the floor while your heels are pulled towards your buttocks. Traditionally, these have been called “Girl Push-ups”, but they can be done by anyone who is just starting out.
Another option is to try incline push-ups, where the hands are placed on an elevated object (like a bench or table) or a wall. More advanced options include diamond push-ups (hands are placed on the floor in the shape of a diamond) and push-ups with a clap (you clap your hands in between each rep).
4. Planks
While it may look like you aren’t doing anything, your core and back muscles are working overtime to hold the plank position. Planks don’t require any equipment or much movement for that matter. This makes it a great indoor exercise option.
Planks look similar to the position you hold when you do a traditional push-up. Your hands and toes are on the floor while you hold the rest of your body as straight as a board, hence the name plank. You hold the position for a set time, like 30- 60 seconds, or you can hold the position for as long as you can.
Another common way to perform a plank is to put your forearms on the floor instead of your hands. If you are looking for something a little more difficult, you can do a single-legged plank and put one foot on top of the other as you hold the plank position.
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5. Squats
Squats have become quite popular for those looking to strengthen the lower body or reshape their glutes and leg muscles. Squats can be done using your bodyweight only or resistance can be added with bands or free weights.
When performing a squat, your feet are placed on the floor shoulder-width apart, you lower your body as if you were sitting, and rise back up to a standing position. You must make sure that your knees don’t go out over your toes and that you don’t let your low back hunch or round. There are several variations of the basic squat like the sumo squat, which uses a wider stance than the traditional one, or jump squats.
Don’t let the dropping temperatures discourage you from continuing your journey to better health. Any of these exercises listed can be combined for a full workout inside the comfort and warmth of your own home.
Dr. Candace McMillon-Dantley is the health-empowering creator of The Doc Knows and she’s on a mission to motivate you to a life of health. She has a Doctorate in Chiropractic Medicine and a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences. When she’s not health writing, she is health motivating and educating during her interactive presentations on healthy nutrition, self-care and conditions of the body. Her experiences as a business owner, chiropractor, wife and mom of two resonate and relate with her audiences. Connect with Dr. Candace on Instagram @drcandace.