It’s fairly well-known that aloe vera is great for the skin and hair but did you know that you can drink it too? Given how many essential nutrients aloe vera juice contains, researchers have been conducting studies to prove those health benefits as well. Here’s what you need to know about aloe vera juice and how it might help you.
Aloe Vera’s Nutrition Profile
According to multiple studies, aloe vera juice is an excellent source of over 75 active components that result in the health benefits it’s known for. These components include enzymes, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.
The most notable of these are beta carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, calcium, folic acid, and magnesium. The juice is also a good source of protein, fiber, fat, and carbohydrates in each 8-ounce serving.
RELATED: 10 Awesome Benefits Of Aloe Vera
Six Benefits Of Drinking The Juice
1. It Can Relieve Heartburn
Though more research needs to be done, it’s estimated that the same properties that soothe burns can also be helpful for dealing with heartburn.
Studies show that those who drink aloe vera juice while experiencing heartburn often get relief from their symptoms quickly.
2. It Can Treat Constipation
Aloe vera juice also has a relaxing effect on the digestive system. That means those who are constipated can get relief from it.
If you have normal bowel movements, however, you might not see a difference.
3. It Can Improve The Symptoms Of IBS
Since aloe vera has great anti-inflammatory properties, it’s not surprising that it may be beneficial to those who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
One study suggests that drinking it can alleviate some of the symptoms for a certain period. However, more research needs to be done.
4. It Can Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels
Several recent studies have shown that aloe vera juice can be helpful in lowering fasting blood sugar levels. This property would be great for those who are at a high risk of developing diabetes or already have the condition.
However, until doctors do more research, it’s not advised as a singular way to manage or prevent diabetes.
5. It Can Reduce Dental Plaque
According to recent studies, aloe vera juice can be effective for removing dental plaque and reducing your risk of tooth decay.
Since aloe vera also has strong antimicrobial properties, it also kills the plaque-producing bacterium Streptococcus mutans as well as the yeast Candida albicans, which can be found in the mouth.
6. It Can Help With Treating Canker Sores
Aloe vera doesn’t only work well for healing wounds outside the body. Some researchers have found that drinking the plant’s juice can help to heal canker sores in the mouth. It can also reduce the pain caused by the sores.
RELATED: Aloe Gel vs. Aloe Juice: Are They a Safe Natural Remedy?
How To Prepare Aloe Vera Juice
While you can find aloe vera juice in many supermarkets, some people like to make it themselves. If you’d like to do that, you need to prepare the plant accordingly. It starts with removing all the spikes and skin to get to the gel. Washing the gel can remove the rest of the skin as well. It’s important to get all of the skin off as it can make the resulting juice bitter. Once you have the gel, you can blend it while adding some water to adjust the thickness. Alternatively, you can combine the blended juice with lemons or berries to make a smoothie.
Before you start downing glass after glass of aloe vera juice, though, doctors have noted that too much of it can cause diarrhea. If you’re already taking medication to manage diabetes, too much juice can lower your blood sugar levels to a dangerous point. It’s best to talk to your doctor about how much is right for you.
It’s clear that aloe vera juice has a few proven health benefits that you should take advantage of. If you’re already dealing with digestive issues or diabetes, however, you shouldn’t add it to your diet without talking to your doctor first.