It might be fun to have a few alcoholic beverages in the evening but waking up with a hangover has made many people declare they’re never going to drink again. Instead of swearing off drinking your favorite alcoholic drinks, how about learning how to deal with the nauseating side effects?
Typically, having a hangover means dealing with a headache, having unrelenting nausea, being extremely thirsty, and feeling tired. According to studies, these are a few of the ways you can reduce you badly you feel the morning after drinking.
Stay Hydrated
Alcohol is a powerful diuretic, which means you’ll be going to the bathroom more often while you’re drinking as well as the morning after. If you’re not hydrating, you run the risk of being dehydrated, which will only make the headache worse.
Eat a Healthy Breakfast
You might not feel like it but eating the right foods for breakfast can combat your hangover. Experts recommend eggs, bland carbohydrates like toast or crackers, and juice. Adding some ginger can also help with any nausea.
Take Some Helpful Supplements
Apart from the Vitamin C found in fruit juices, taking supplements with B vitamins can also help your body recover from a rough night. While B vitamins can be found in lean proteins as well, it might be easier on your stomach if you take a supplement.
Boost Your Electrolytes
Another consequence of visiting the bathroom frequently is that your electrolyte balance will not be at ideal levels. To correct that imbalance, it’s best to drink an electrolyte drink like Pedialyte. Restoring the balance helps your body return to normal.
Snack on Some Soothing Foods
Dealing with a hangover goes further than breakfast. It helps to eat well throughout the day and snack on foods like honey, red ginseng, and prickly pear. Maintaining your blood sugar levels may also help with alleviating hangover symptoms.
Try Over-The-Counter Painkillers
Even the best hangover cures might not do much for a headache if you’re prone to migraines. To stop a headache in its tracks, take an over-the-counter painkiller like ibuprofen.
Take a Nap
When all else fails, getting some more rest is usually the key to recovering from a hangover. A short nap could help you get the REM sleep your body missed out on the night before because of the alcohol in your system.
The Best way to cure a hangover is to prevent it altogether. Check out these prevention tips!
Tips For Preventing a Hangover
As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than a cure”. While hangover cures can be effective, it’s better for your overall health to put measures in place to prevent getting to that stage in the first place. Here are a few things to consider before a night of drinking.
Fatty Foods. Eat fatty and high-fiber foods before drinking to help your body metabolize alcohol well.
Vitamin C. Drink juices that are high in Vitamin C as it’s been suggested that this vitamin helps the body fight the symptoms of a hangover.
Moderation. Drink moderately to ensure that you don’t overwhelm your system.
Stay hydrated. Keep hydrated while drinking so you keep the balance of alcohol and water in your body in check.
Avoid Dark. Avoid drinks like tequila, whisky, and cognac that have hangover-inducing congeners. You’ll have better luck with rum, vodka, or gin.
Consistency. Stick to one type of alcohol as it’s been shown that mixing alcoholic beverages can have an adverse effect on the body.
Sleep. Sleep well after a night of drinking so your body has enough time to repair itself.
If you’re planning on a night of drinking, it’s best to get your body prepared for it. That’s the best way to ensure that you don’t wake up with a hangover. African Americans, in particular, should take note as a limited study suggests that they may have a stronger response to alcohol consumption than other ethnicities. For persons who didn’t have time to prepare, give the hangover cures a try!