Your legs have some of the body's largest muscles that power the most important types of movements you can make. Yes, workouts focused on the lower body can be some of the toughest sessions you'll face on your path to peak physical condition, filled with exercises that push you to work to the full extent of your capabilities.
There's no getting around it, whether you dread lower body workouts or eagerly look forward to your time in the gym for the sessions dedicated to your lower half, leg exercises are a must. Men and women both joke about the old saying "don't skip leg day" and they're right.
You don't need a lot of time to get a good leg workout in. These exercises target that area and really make you feel it without spending hours in the gym.
Crab Walk
This exercise targets your triceps, core and glutes, as well as challenging your coordination. If you find that you have wrist discomfort, try turning your hands slightly to the side or take breaks to roll out your wrists. Make sure you keep your hips lifted off the floor for the duration of the exercise.
Dynamic Lunges
Start with your feet together and arms resting comfortably by your sides. Step forward with your right foot and lower your body until your front knee is at 90 degrees and your back knee is not touching the floor. Then, to complete the exercise, push off your front right foot while straightening your left leg. Keep your right foot off of the floor and balance with your right thigh parallel to the floor.
The plank has become one of the key go-to exercises to define your core, but you can also use it to workout your legs. If you are struggling to maintain the arms straight position try this exercise on your forearms. Be sure to align your elbows and shoulders and keep your hips, heels and shoulders at the same height.
Single-Leg Squats
This is one of the best exercises for you quads, hamstrings, glutes and core, and it's one of the most challenging balancing exercises. Stand on one leg with opposite foot in front of you, and without setting the front foot on the floor, bend the standing leg and lower down into a squat. You can have your arms straight out in front of you for balance. Pause, then return to the start. Do all reps, and then switch legs and repeat.
The great thing about burpees is that they combine cardio and strength into one exercise. A burpee is a complex, total-body exercise that will work your upper and lower body at the same time with a strong focus on the core. For an added cardio punch, add a tuck jump into the mix before the squat.
Double Leg Lifts
This lower abdominal exercise can help you build a stronger back and make you less prone to injury. Keep your low back pressing into the ground the entire time and lower your legs as close to the floor as possible without allowing them to touch. To make this exercise easier, bend your knees. Or for more of a challenge, keep your legs straight.
Jumping Jacks
Sometimes jumping gets a bad rap, but when it comes to increasing bone density it is a great thing. A jumping jack is one of the best plyometric exercises out there and it is a fantastic cardiovascular drill. If you are looking for a way to improve your quickness, this is the exercise.
Mountain Climbers
One of the best core exercises you’ll find. This exercise combines the difficulty of a plank, deep core stabilization and alternating knee drives towards your chest. The knee drives also increase your heart rate, which is the perfect way to flatten your abs and burn calories. It’s crucial that you maintain proper alignment throughout the exercise and keep your shoulders and wrists perfectly stacked.
Frog Jumps
This exercise adds an element of power in the lower body that will get your heart rate up for a cardiovascular benefit and define the muscles in your lower body. Start in an athletic squat position and swing your arms back behind your hips. Push off of your heels and jump forward, land, and immediately sink back down into a squat position and jump again.
(Extra Credit) Step Ups
Did you know that simply stepping up and down could help firm and tone your legs fast? It's true! This repeated movement targets your glutes and quads. (Trick: for added resistance, try 3 or 4 steps at a time)
1. Stand in front of a stair, with both feet planted on the ground about hip-width apart.
2. Step your right foot up onto the stair, then bring your left up to meet it.
3. Step your right foot back down with control, followed by your left.
4. Repeat this pattern for 10 to 15 reps.
To make it easier, opt for a shorter step, and if needed, place your hand on a wall or railing for support.