Let’s face it: bloating is not only uncomfortable, it’s embarrassing. Especially when it’s accompanied by gas that you can’t hold in at the worst time imaginable.
While the causes of bloating are myriad – from food intolerances to digestive disorders and simple overeating – what isn’t complicated is the feeling. It’s pretty straightforward. You feel physically drained, you feel emotionally drained. All you want is a way to prevent or a way to treat.
While many people reach for over-the-counter meds when that feeling hits, sometimes, natural remedies are preferred. In some cases, natural remedies may even be superior. After all, reliance on certain medications can lead to dependence and tolerance, which can make the problem even worse!
So, let’s discuss some natural ways to address that uncomfortable feeling and alleviate all that ‘hot air.’
Here are some of the top remedies for bloating you probably never knew…
1. Activated Charcoal
A well-known remedy for gas and bloating, activated charcoal has some pretty unique and cool properties. It’s a form of carbon, meaning that it is highly porous and can trap toxins, chemicals, and gases.
Why is this important? Well, due to this special ability, activated charcoal will absorb excess gas in your digestive system when ingested. In other words, a reduction in bloating and discomfort!
The chemical science behind this is a bit complex, but it relates to the charcoal’s affinity for gas molecules. It’s an adsorbent that binds to these molecules in your stomach and intestine, preventing them from entering your bloodstream. As a result, the sensation of fullness caused by trapped gas is prevented.
Not sure how to use activated charcoal? While recommendations differ, typically, you take it in capsule or tablet form. The average dose ranges from 500 to 1,000 mg, but you should always speak with your doctor first. If you’re taking other meds, they may interact or interfere with charcoal’s ingestion.
You should also be mindful of your hydration levels. Activated charcoal can dehydrate, so make sure you’re consuming water and electrolytes throughout the day.
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2. Fennel Seed Tea
This time-tested remedy is great for digestive discomfort in that these tiny seeds are filled with antioxidants and volatile oils. Antioxidants help by repairing your tissue, reducing inflammation, and fighting nasty little substances that cause damage at the DNA level.
The volatile oils, meanwhile, are carminatives that relieve gas, bloating, and other issues related to the digestive tract. They can even help with spasms, allowing for the safe passage of gas. Given that fennel seeds naturally relax muscles in your gastrointestinal system, they’re a great choice for dealing with bloating. Fennel even helps to reduce the retention of water, meaning it’s a mild diuretic.
The best way to enjoy fennel seeds is through tea. All you need is one or two teaspoons of the seeds, crushed and then steeped in water for 10 minutes. Drink the tea following meals, as this is the best way to get ahead of any potential bloating.
If you’d like, you can also chew a very small amount (~tsp) following any meals to prevent digestive issues. Given fennel’s ability to soothe the gut, relieve gas, and flush excess fluids, it’s a top option for treating stomach issues.
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3. Abdominal Massages
While there are plenty of things you can take, sometimes all you need is a little tender love and care.
With abdominal massages, you get just that. When used in conjunction with foods and supplements, these massages can be incredibly effective in relieving bloating. The technique is not difficult. All it involves is a gentle massage of the abdomen. This helps facilitate the movement of gas through the intestines, called peristalsis, thereby encouraging the removal of waste.
If you suffer from chronic conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), these massages are especially helpful. Not only that, but they also boost circulation, which can significantly help with digestion as well.
Here’s how to do it:
Lie down on your back with your knees bent. Take your fingertips and give easy, circular pressure right around your belly button. Move them clockwise and continue for 10 minutes, targeting the precise area that feels tight or bloated.
For additional benefits, some essential oils like peppermint or ginger can enhance the benefits.
Just make sure you talk to a healthcare specialist before overdoing it with essential oils because all essential oils should be mixed with a carrier oil before application.
4. Dandelion Root
A therapeutic plant long used in traditional medicine, dandelion root stimulates the production of bile, which is necessary for moving fats through your digestive tract. In turn, this can prevent bloating because it ensures everything is running smoothly.
There are several reasons dandelion root is so soothing. Firstly, it contains the essential mineral potassium, which can balance sodium levels and ensure you don’t bloat from a salty diet. Secondly, it has something called chicoric acid, which is an important anti-inflammatory that calms the stomach. Thirdly, it’s rich in inulin, which is a fiber that acts as a prebiotic. In other words, it’s highly beneficial for the good bacteria in your gut.
With a healthy microbiome, you can enjoy better digestion, less gas, and fewer nutrient imbalances.
The root is also a mild diuretic, so it removes excess water in your body.
If you’d like to enjoy this particular remedy, you can go with either the tea form or the capsule form. If you choose the capsules, just make sure you follow the dosage. For the tea, just steep for 10 minutes and enjoy before and after meals to prevent and reduce bloating.
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5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) seems to be all the rage these days, and for good reason. Mainly due to its acetic acid, ACV can help improve digestion by promoting the production of stomach acid. This, in turn, helps with sluggish digestion that leads to bloating. As a result, it facilitates the breakdown of food, reducing gas buildup.
The antimicrobial properties in ACV also allow for your gut bacteria to flourish, which is always a must when treating digestive issues.
To ingest, consider mixing one to two tablespoons in a glass of warm water to drink before meals. Due to its acidic taste, many people choose to mix it with a teaspoon of honey.
The best ACV is raw and unfiltered, and contains something called “the mother.” This substance has settled yeast and bacteria. You’ll know it’s in there based on the cloudy sentiment in the bottle.
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6. Probiotic-Rich Foods and Supplements
‘Probiotic’ is a big buzzword these days, and it essentially refers to beneficial bacteria that balance your gut. Foods that are rich in probiotics restore your gut flora to healthy levels, helping to ease bloating and improve digestion.
These healthy bacteria work together to reduce fermentation and prevent the buildup of gas. They are also efficient at breaking down all kinds of food, so if you struggle with certain meals but can’t always avoid them, probiotics can help.
If you’d like to obtain them in your diet, opt for foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, miso, kimchi, and kombucha. If these are hard for you to get, simply go for supplements. Both capsules and powders are available; just make sure the product you buy is high in “CFUS” and multiple different kinds of bacteria.
By incorporating these supplements and foods, as well as the other remedies for bloating in this article, you’ll be surprised just how big of a difference it makes.
Take your time, don’t be afraid to try different options, and never hesitate to speak to a doctor or healthcare provider if you’re uncertain.
Lighter, clearer, cleaner days are ahead!