’s “Ask the Expert” series brings the nation’s leading health experts directly to viewers. In this video, Dr. Craig Cole, Hematologist and Assistant Professor at University of Michigan, discusses multiple myeloma.
So, the tips and surviving with myeloma: Living with myeloma is being empowered; is knowing that there are multiple options available for patients in in 2017 and beyond; that more than any other time in the history of this disease, you’ve had more drugs approved by the FDA, more options available for patients.
And patients now need to be empowered to ask doctor questions and questioning a doctor about this disease. That then gives them – they are empowered – and being empowered then gives you a feeling of being able to discuss with your doctor and your family about treatment options.
So, one way to cope with this disease is to be empowered, to take control of your own destiny with this disease, and help making decisions for yourself.