Walking is a gentle, low-impact exercise that can ease you into a higher level of fitness and health. But if you’re looking to trim some weight off of your thighs, you must know that walking only really targets the front of your legs and won't give you those toned thighs you desire.
But for an all-around leg workout that will firm your inner and outer thighs and your butt, try this multi-direction routine for the treadmill. Begin slow speed to 2 mph or lower before changing directions; increase as you become comfortable.
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But if you double the speed, you can ramp up your results in half the time--15 minutes!
0:00 Warm-up: Walk at a moderate pace (about 3.0-3.5 mph).
5:00 Shuffle: Turn to left and walk sideways, like you're shuffling, hands on hips (about 2.0-2.5 mph).
7:00 Walk briskly (normal form, about 3.5-4.0 mph)
9:00 Shuffle, facing right side.
11:00 Walk briskly.
13:00 Shuffle, facing left side.
15:00 Walk briskly.
17:00 Shuffle, facing right side.
19:00 Walk briskly.
21:00 Walk backward (reduce speed as much as necessary and slowly increase it as you acclimate).
RELATED: 15-Minute Total Body Toning Yoga Sequence
23:00 Walk briskly.
25:00 Cool-down: Walk at a moderate pace (about 3.0-3.5 mph).
30:00 You're finished! Great job!
Now, try this at least 3 times a week and see how not only your thighs begin to tone up, but also your overall weight will go down too.