I don’t know about you, but nothing ruins a bright, bold lip like gnarly, yellow teeth. Whitening strips can be a pain in the rear and professional laser treatments are often too big of an investment for many of us. What better way to brighten your smile than with this super easy and inexpensive DIY recipe? Chances are, you already have these ingredients in your kitchen pantry. Read on to see how it’s done!
1 ripe strawberry
½ tsp of baking soda
RELATED: Keep It Fresh! DIY Toothpaste, Deodorant & Shaving Cream
- Thoroughly rinse off the strawberry with water and remove the stem.
- Use a fork to mash the strawberry in a small bowl.
- Add baking soda.
- Spread the mixture onto your teeth using a toothbrush.
- Allow the mixture to sit on your teeth for 5 minutes.
- Remove the mixture by brushing your teeth with the toothpaste. Note: Strawberries are very acidic. Use a toothpaste that fights acid erosion and restores the hardness of the tooth enamel.)
Use this recipe once a week until you reach the results you want.
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