Wow. Losing weight can be easy, but keeping it off is the hard part. That's why we congratulate and encourage anyone who takes the leap to lose weight and make the necessary changes to keep it off. Now, we couldn't be prouder of Dawn. She is an incredible, beautiful young lady who lost a whopping 147 pounds naturally and is still going strong!
Dawn was referred to us by one of our readers who goes on and on about her being an inspiration. While Dawn may not have any children, she is an inspiration to this young mother who is on a quest to get healthy for her three kids.
Upon hearing Dawn's incredible journey to her nearly 150-pound weight loss on her youtube channel, we knew we had to share it. Her unique story is probably the most unique we've heard. Her weight loss journey actually started from a snake bite.
Yes, a snake bite.
"...I can’t express how proud I am of myself At my highest I was 311 lbs! Today I am 178lbs," exclaimed Dawn in an Instagram post at the time.
"That’s a total of 133lbs 💪🏾 Took me forever to get to the 170s but we HERE. One thing I realized on this journey is that you can’t half step either you’re going to do it all the way or not do it at all!"
"When I first started I had no idea how hard this was going to be, but I knew I was going to use all the strength I had in me to reach my goals!"
How did I get here?
"I’ve been eating in a calorie deficit my whole journey and working out to stay toned. I started working out only 3 days a week to 5 days a week and taking the weekends off. Now I workout 6 days a week!"
"I never rushed this process because once I realized the formula worked and I stayed consistent the weight was literally falling off!"
"My tip to anyone who wants to start is to realize YOUR JOURNEY WILL ALWAYS BE DIFFERENT FROM EVERYBODY ELSES! People see things on Instagram and want that quick fix and this weight loss journey doing it the natural way is far from quick and easy!"
"You have to be patient and not expect to see results so soon ! Find a love and passion for the journey beyond just the physical because waiting on results can be very stressful!"
"Whatever you do NEVER GIVE UP! Yes I cheat sometimes but I always get right back on track! You have to keep pushing!"
Anybody that knows me know I work so hard on my body and this journey! I had took a break from social media just to mentally get myself together and I’ve realized that I put so much stress on myself at times to be perfect and always have to remind myself it’s a process!
‼️ Bare with me for this long caption! I have a lot to say‼️
"I think the closer I get to my goal the harder it’s gets for me emotionally! Throughout this journey I’ve faced a lot of emotions I never knew I had within me and I thought I had experienced it all back at the beginning ! But no I still have my moments!"
"Sometimes I cry because I feel like I should be where I want to be and sometimes I try to be so strict on myself that I forget that I’m still young and have to still enjoy life because I never know when it may be over!"
"As of today I’m 130 lbs down and I’m learning to love my new body the way I loved my old one! I was so much more confident when I was bigger and many may not believe this! I guess because I was comfortable and now I know I work so hard so I’m paying way more attention to my body now!"
I’m learning to appreciate my imperfections and if I can change it I won’t ever stop working till I get there💪🏾 I just want to end by saying THIS SHIT HARD BUT it's SO WORTH IT!
For more on Dawn, follow her on her Instagram here.
Or if you'd like, check her on her YouTube here.