#WeSeeYou is BlackDoctor.org’s weekly feature where we highlight a person or group doing something great in health that needs to be shared with the world. This week, we highlight the one and only @Shugafree_rny from Instagram!
How do you transform your body? It's hard enough losing 10 or 20 pounds, but what about losing 50, or 60 pounds? Maybe even over 100? Well, one incredible woman has not only lost 160 pounds, but she's shown that you can do it too.
A woman known as Shugafree_NY on Instagram is literally inspiring a whole cation of people who want to lose weight. According to her Instagram, at her heaviest, she was a little over 318 pounds. But she has since lost 160 pounds and looks amazing!
Do yourself a favor and follow her here on Instagram. She'll inspire you to get up, get out, and go get it!
Just going through her social media, here are some gems we picked out that everyone can learn from:
Know Your Worth Enough to Change
"Not taking a single day that I have air in my lungs for granted! I got a second chance at this thing called life so best believe ima live it."
"Respect yourself enough to say, "I deserve better.'"
"Prison doesn’t always have 4 walls, in my old body I felt so trapped. I couldn’t move the way I wanted, I couldn’t breathe the way I wanted, I couldn’t play with my kids, I couldn’t fit into most clothing without elastic, trapped in a world of pain and sadness! I just wanted to be free! I wanted to do all the things my prison wouldn’t allow! The decision to change and never look back helped set me free. I don’t care if people say “Never say Never”! IM NEVER GOING BACK TO THAT PRISON I ONCE LIVED IN! Freedom from that prison was one of the best gifts I could have ever given myself! I want this as much as I want to breathe."
Fight for your health
"Literal blood, sweat & tears for this. Fought day in, and day out for this! Cried, screamed, yelled, worked silently for this! Prayed, believed, & trusted God for this! Sacrificed, rearranged, canceled plans for this! Survived, conquered, and celebrating this! Still pushing & working my ass off for this! Ain’t shit come easy for this! Thank God I’m still around to post this! Thank God my children get to witness this! Thankful, humble, grateful for this! Trying to encourage somebody with this!"
"Dark times will teach you a lot! That’s why you shouldn’t regret what you’ve been through. But rather be thankful for the lessons those dark times taught you!"
How to deal with Loose Skin
Let’s talk about loose skin. Yes, I had it, yes I exercised a lot trying to lose belly fat! Yea I lost the belly fat but my reality is I was left with a lot of excess skin.
Picture 1. - 319 + pounds, morbidly obese, with over 150 pounds to lose. UNHEALTHY.
Picture 2. - 161 pounds lost, GETTING HEALTHY. However, I was left with an apron of skin hanging from my midsection! Worked out 6 days a week.
Sometimes twice a day. No amount of exercise was fixing the damage I had done to my body. Fact - Massive weight loss left me with a lot of excess skin.
Picture 3. - This is me today! HEALTHY. I had a tummy tuck aka Abdominoplasty with muscle repair in 2017 at Kaiser San Diego. Wouldn’t change anything for the world and I am very open about my journey! This was by far one of the best decisions I could have ever made for myself.
Celebrate the Small Victories
"Hell of a non-scale victory. Having to roll down your size mediums, to make them fit. Because now the waist is too big. Baby, I’m still a work in progress & I’m loving the way this bawdy of mine is coming along."
"Listen I’m so thankful and will forever be grateful I can smile at these images! My life has truly changed in an amazing way! The joy I have is indescribable! I wish this joy on all of y’all"
"Ok, so when I was my heaviest I use to have to wear 3x Danskin yoga pants as scrub bottoms because not much else was fitting at that time! It was already so uncomfortable being that heavy I didn’t want to be stuffed into pants that would almost surely rip as soon as I sat down!"
"Also please note I could barely fit in my rolling chair. I remember the arms of the chair pressing into my sides and hurting so bad I hated sitting in any chair with arms!"
"Now I’m in these rolling chairs with room to spare and I’m swimming in my size medium scrubs. It’s the Lil thangs man."
"In a world where so much is uncertain and we often feel sad, confused, afraid, etc. it is OK to still go after and embrace moments of joy! Today do something that brings you joy! Then hold on to that joy."
As we said before, do yourself a favor and follow @Shugafree_ny on instagram and get inspired!