We, as Black people, have been through a lot. You can’t deny that. And most people who have been through things in life, it usually shows up on their face, in their skin, and just their whole demeanor. But others, simply seem like they don’t age at all, hence the term, “Black don’t crack.”
In this latest edition of Black Don’t Crack,” the picture above of four stunning beauties is supposedly a mother and her three daughters at a wedding.
But the thing about it is, you can’t really put your finger on which one is the mother.
The picture quickly went viral with people taking their best guess as to who the mother is.
Now, after years of circulating around the internet, people are still guessing.
So we ask you, who do YOU think the mother is?
But, before you make your final answer, take a look at some additional photos of the beautiful family below:
So before we tell you which one we think is the mother, let’s look at some facts about aging in general:
Across all skin types, the aging process involves photo damage, fat redistribution, bone shifting, and the loss of connective tissue.

As life expectancy continues to increase, almost doubling over the past century, an aged appearance is becoming an increasing concern.
Ethnic differences are clearly evident in today’s society; however, as time elapses, the groups described in this article are becoming less homogenous and more heterogeneous through the intermixing of races, cultures, and ethnicities.
According to the Center for Clinical & Aesthetic Dermatology, individuals with darker skin are overall thought to have firmer and smoother skin than individuals with lighter skin of the same age.
READ THIS: Best Facial Cleansers For Black Skin
However, aging does occur in regards to pigmentation, wrinkles, and skin laxity.
Comprehensive knowledge of the structural and functional principles of ethnic and aging skin is helpful to properly care for the aging skin of color population.
And with that, we think the mother is (you know I gotta be dramatic, lol)….
READ THIS: How You Feel About Aging Is Important, Here’s How to Keep a Positive Attitude

B. The mother is “B” in the original white dress photo and second from the right in the car photo above. No matter what your guess, they all look great don’t they?
Keep on shining Black women!
And if you like that one, here’s another one (below):
Answer: We’ve been told that the one in the middle is the mom.
(Photo credit: @jennevam instagram)
When the term “Black Don’t Crack” was created decades ago, many of our parents, grandparents or even older family members used it referring to just how good black men and women look when they get old.
Not as many wrinkles or hard-looking faces that simply show just how hard a person’s life has been. It was used when you really couldn’t tell what a Black person’s age was and when they actually told you, you were still surprised.
Well, that same tradition continues today with the beautiful mother and daughter duo of Jenneva and Stacy. The two (in their 20’s and 40’s) are featured on the beach, both with incredible skin, incredible bodies and a confidence you can almost feel.
When we first were sent the viral photo above, it made us try to figure out who the mother really is too. But then our second thought was: who cares? They look gorgeous!!! And we left it at that. Because Black women are gorgeous anyway, but when you have a glow like these women, it’s hard not to be memorized and admire their beauty.
(Photo credit: @therealmanicurist instagram)
On her instagram, the daughter Jenneva shared this thought of how most of us have to know.
“It’s so weird that every time you see pictures of a fairly younger looking mother and a twenty something daughter there is always some damn body speculating on how old the mother was when she had the child.”
In this day and age with the food, medication and not to mention a ton of stress and pressure that get people down and age prematurely, we have to applaud this mother and daughter team.
ALSO READ: 6 Things Making You Age Faster
If you can tell anything by the social media posts, it’s clear these two women have immense love for one another. They both are business owners with Jenneva operating a business online, and Stacy is the own of a salon studio.
On her website, Jenneva’s business mission is to “never forget you no matter your body type, shape, size or budget. We’re here to celebrate everyone’s shape, size and budget by providing you with fashion forward pieces that are affordable and of quality.” One word: Awesome!