With each new year comes new health challenges that appear on our timelines or amongst friends. One that I’ve seen repeatedly is the challenge of drinking a gallon of water a day. Does it really take guzzling down a gallon every day to be in good health or to lose weight?
Water is Good For You
Undoubtedly, drinking water is one the most important things that we can do to achieve and maintain good health. Water is such a vital part of our survival that going just three days without it can result in death. Our skin, organs, bones, and blood plasma are all made up of water. Water lubricates our joints, flushes out toxins and waste, provides shock absorption for our bones and organs, helps regulate body temperature, and aids in digestion. We know it’s good stuff, but how much of it should
you be drinking?
How Much Water is Enough Water?
We’ve all heard that we’re made up of as much as 80% water, but the truth is, it varies depending height, weight, age, and gender. There are some online calculators that can help you determine your body’s percentage of water. In addition to these factors, your level of physical activity, diet, and pre-existing health conditions can impact your daily water requirements. With that being said, everyone doesn’t need to drink the same amount of water for good health.
The 8x8 Rule
As a guide for daily water intake, nutritionists developed the 8x8 rule. The 8x8 rule says that you should drink eight, 8 oz glasses of water each day. That amounts to 64 ounces of water - that’s only a half-gallon of water. This recommendation came from the suggestion that you should drink one milliliter of water for every calorie you eat in a 2000 calorie per day diet. The 8X8 rule takes into account that some of the foods you eat, like fruit and vegetables, will contribute to your daily water intake.
Drink Half of Your Body Weight In Ounces
This recommendation takes into account that the more you weigh, the more water your body needs to function optimally. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces of water per day. If you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces per day.
Should You Drink a Gallon a Day?
Carrying around a plastic gallon jug is a conversation starter for sure, but do you need that much H2O to reap the benefits of health? If you are someone who losses a lot of water due to long workout sessions, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or a health condition, drinking a gallon of water may be beneficial in keeping your body hydrated.
However, consuming a gallon of water a day can be harmful to your health. Drinking too much water, called water intoxication, can deplete your body of important electrolytes. Your body needs electrolytes to carry out important metabolic functions. Drinking a gallon of water can cause issues for individuals who have congestive heart failure, kidney disease, and liver disease.
Drinking enough water is the key to living a healthy lifestyle. That does not mean that you must chug down a full gallon a day to stay hydrated and healthy. Listen to your body and be sure to drink more water when you are more active or when it’s hot outside. Remember, H2O doesn’t have to come in a glass. Including water-containing foods like fruit and vegetables in your diet will provide your body with hydration as well.
Dr. Candace McMillon-Dantley is on a mission to inspire and educate women to health. She is the creator of The Doc Knows, a health and wellness site for women. When she’s not health writing, she is health motivating and educating through presentations on healthy nutrition, self-care, and conditions of the body. Her experiences as a business owner, chiropractor, wife and mom of two resonate with all women. Connect with Dr. Candace on Instagram @drcandace.