Injury as a result of a traumatic attack often takes time to heal. The recovery process is unique because victims have to deal not only with the physical injury but also the mental torment. Healing is a process that should be started as soon as possible alongside seeking the help of Seattle personal injury attorneys to deal with the perpetrator who put them in an unwanted position.
Aside from physical therapy, victims can heal faster by incorporating healthy eating habits into their healing program. When patients don’t eat the right foods, it can lead to inflammation and prolong healing. Increased inflammation can cause the body to produce more free radicals and impede the body’s ability to detoxify. To help patients recover faster, here are some of the anti-inflammatory food items they should eat:
Kale contains more than 45 flavonoids, which serves as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. In fact, it is among the vegetables regarded as a superfood, which are great for mitigating the adverse effects of chronic inflammation and oxidation. It also helps regulate histamine expression, which is crucial for faster healing. If possible, have about two cups of raw kale a day.
Green Tea
If you like having tea, switch to green tea. It can help reduce inflammation due to the presence of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an effective catechin that helps block interleukin-1, which is responsible for inflammation.
If you need a reason to have avocado toast each day, you can say that it helps you recover faster from your injuries. It has persenone A that is responsible for suppressing the effects of cyclooxygenase and nitric oxide synthase, which are purveyors of inflammation.
Berries, particularly dark-colored ones, have high levels of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that also helps reduce inflammation. A previous study illustrated that 8-weeks of supplementation with the quercetin-infused Vitamin C helped reduce levels of inflammatory markers.
Beets are a well-known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory food. Several studies have found that aside from reducing blood pressure, beetroot is also effective against oxidative stress. It helps fight magnesium deficiency, which heightens inflammation in the body.
Salmon & Mackerel
Eating healthy fish like salmon and mackerel can help you win against the stresses of acute inflammation with its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Make sure, though, that you do not confuse it with omega-6. While omega-6 is another essential fatty acid, it is not advisable for individuals healing from injuries as it can promote inflammation, according to a study conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Walnuts & Almonds
Another food item that has high levels of omega-3 fatty acids are walnuts and almonds. Walnuts contain over ten phytonutrients that are lacking in other foods. These phytonutrients help your body fight off metabolic stresses that can alleviate inflammation.
Broccoli is one of the green vegetables that can help significantly lower the body’s inflammatory response. It has high levels of vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium that help the body fight off stress.
If you consume about two tablespoons of flaxseed, you are getting 140 percent daily value of omega-3 fatty acids and lignans. Aside from fighting inflammation, it can also help patients fight off cancer. Plus, it is also good for preventing weight gain.
While inflammation is good for the body to promote healing, prolonged inflammation is something you wouldn’t want either. Once you feel that your body’s defenses are ready for some help, start incorporating these food items into your diet, and you will see their effect. Your healing will be much faster, which can help you move on with your life.