It can be a bit of a challenge to maintain a social life when trying to stick to your diet, but it’s not impossible. I’ve had this conversation with my clients numerous times. If you’re a very social person or just like to go out occasionally with friends or family, have no fear, you don’t have to stay at home.
There are several things you can do to stay on track, which I will discuss in a bit. If it’s a work luncheon or party you’re worried about, that can be managed as well.
It’s important to research, plan and, in some cases, take the initiative. It might seem a bit overwhelming thinking about how to partake in the festivities because we’re not sure how to stay on track or make healthy choices. Here are some things you can do to avoid that:
Review menus before you go out. See what your options are so you aren't totally surprised and can figure out what you can and can’t have.
If there don’t appear to be many options, eat a light snack or light dinner at home beforehand. If that’s not an option and the event is after work, then have something light while at the office. Having a salad works great.
If the party is taking place at a restaurant, ask the person who planned the menu what is being served. You might be able to ask if the restaurant can make special accommodations (maybe at your expense). If the party is at the office that might be easier because you can bring a dish you're able to enjoy.
If your Girls' Night Out is coming up and the restaurant that was chosen doesn’t look like it will work, ask your friends if you can pick the place. That will take some of the pressure off you and maybe them. You never know, your friends might like your choice even better.
If your get-together is at someone’s home, offer to bring one of your favorite dishes. You may want to bring a couple of dishes that are safe for you to eat.
If you’re hosting, you can give options. Ask your guests if they can bring a dish or if they like to cook, ask if they can bring their favorite dish with a healthy twist. This might encourage them to discover healthier options. It becomes a win-win.
This doesn’t only apply to foods but can work for desserts, cocktails, etc. With a little research and planning, you can avoid the guilt, nix the idea of not going out altogether, or worry that your friends won’t invite you out.
As always, make sure to drink plenty of water. That will keep your appetite at bay and you won’t have to worry about overeating.
Jaena Mebane, a graduate of Fordham University-B.A., Fitness Professional, Bodybuilder and creator of GLUTEUS FABULOUS. My motto is “Inspiring Others to Live a Healthy Lifestyle, Mind, Body, and Soul.” You can find me on Instagram @gluteus_fabulous