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Sore, itchy throat? Head full of thick gunk? Body aches got you stuck in the fetal position? Chances are, you’re coming down with something – nasty!
Fortunately for you, the sudden onset of cold and flu-like symptoms such as headache, chills, severe muscle aches, runny nose, fever, and profound fatigue don’t have to put a damper on your holiday shenanigans.
Stop a cold in its tracks with five easy, affordable tips, sure to get the job done… fast!
1. Don’t overlook OTC meds.
While pain relievers like acetaminophen will fight off body aches, cold and flu medicines like Theraflu can help ease symptoms. This powerful option can also aid in clearing your sinuses– because we only have so many sick days.
2. Drink up.
Fluids are your friend! Not only do they keep you hydrated, but by drinking a glass of just about any fluid – with the exception of alcohol and coffee – you’re aiding your body in unclogging your nose and thinning out mucus, making it easier for you to blow or cough out. (Gross, yet effective – we know).
For those suffering from a sore throat, opt for warm liquids like hot tea with honey.
No, this is not just an old wives’ tale. Drinking hot tea with a dollop of honey can help quiet a cough, open up a stuffy nose and soothe an itchy, fiery throat.
RELATED: How To Use Raw Honey As Medicine
3. Eat up good bacteria.
Some studies have found that eating 1 small container or ¾ cup of yogurt daily, reduces the body's inflammatory response.
According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, the beneficial bacteria (probiotics) shortened the duration of a cold by two days. It also made symptoms 34% less severe.
4. Rest up.
Believe it or not, if you feel overworked, stressed out, sad, angry – those emotions can slow your immune system, making you vulnerable to catching a cold AND powerless against fighting its total body terror.
Listen to your body. Put your feet up and get all the sleep you need.
Refusing to do so could result in a simple cold turning into something far worse, like bronchitis -- inflammation of the lining of bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs.
RELATED: The Best Soups to Kickstart Your Immune System
5. Exercise regularly.
On the flip side, exercise may be just as vital to preventing and curing a cold as kicking your feet up.
To determine if exercise while sick is safe to do, Dr. Richard Besser recommends using the "neck rule," meaning if you have symptoms like a stuffy/runny nose, sneezing or sinus pressure - symptoms above the neck - working out shouldn't hurt and will likely help.
Exercise gets your heart pumping, more oxygen flowing and helps the body up to its natural virus-fighting abilities.