Most college students upon getting away from home and having a little freedom usually gain weight. It's normal for a person in college to gain what they call, the "freshman 15" or more pounds. But that's not true for trainer and fitness model, Aiyo Michelle. Her goal for her weight loss and fitness clients is simple as she states on her social media: To understand and love your body.
Aiyo Michelle knows far too well about trying to transform her body. When you look at her transformation pictures just as we did, it's amazing to see the difference.
"I will NEVER forget where I came from," posts the Houston resident. "I love my journey and sometimes I underestimate myself and undermine how far I’ve come. But I’m thankful to God only. Today is the day to CHANGE YOUR LIFE. TAKE CHARGE. BE GREAT."
She also supplies much-needed inspiration for those on their journey to become better themselves:
"On good days, workout. On bad days workout harder."
"This is my logic," she says. "Even on my worse days I feel like I do best at the gym. I’m constantly figuring out new ways to challenge myself, not just for me but for also people around me. Take today as a guide to become better than who you were yesterday. Don’t just use this for fitness, but everything else you have going on. HOW CAN YOU MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER AND HAPPIER?"
As a resource to her clients looking to drop weight, tone up and transform their bodies she offers workout plans and videos like this home workout.
Home cardio workout:
5-minute jumping rope
30 jump squats
30 jumping jacks
3-minute high knees
3-minute butt kicks
"This is perfect for anyone who still wants to burn a lot of calories and
build stronger thighs and glutes without gym equipment."
RELATED: Toned Thighs…In 15 Minutes!
As you can tell from her pictures, she's got a killer lower body that definitely takes focus, patience and dedication.
The meal plans she creates for her clients include a meal plan plus a food list, specialized calorie intake for your ideal body, and workouts to get you the shape you desire.
If you'd like to sign up or just find out more information on Aiyo Michelle, check out her Instagram, here.