Do you find yourself bloated, irritable or having heartburn? You just may be constipated. Among the many symptoms of constipation, being constipated can cause you a great deal of discomfort. If taking laxatives just isn’t your “thing”, here are some natural remedies for constipation that you should try:
Natural Remedies for Constipation
1. Flaxseed, fenugreek or barley in bulk works as excellent forming laxatives and are great to cure constipation. Studies have supported that these herbs contain soluble fiber that helps soften stools and reduces discomfort during bowel movements.
2. Aloe Vera juice. Dilute aloe vera juice in water and drink twice a day, first thing in the morning and right before bed for regular bowel movements. Some people may experience cramping or diarrhea with aloe vera juice, so proceed with caution.
3. Grapes are a natural laxative that contain organic acid and cellulose. Grape juice can help tone the internal muscles of the stomach and prevent chronic constipation. Raisins soaked in water overnight are the next best alternative if fresh grapes are not available.
4. Pears and pear juice. Eating a pear or drinking pear juice for breakfast and dinner can help relieve constipation symptoms. If you have severe constipation, a fruit only diet for a few days will most certainly help to clear up the condition.
5. Dried or fresh figs, prunes and prune juice and fresh papayas are other fruits that are used to treat constipation.
6. Combining a glass of hot water with a half a teaspoon of salt and the juice of...
... a half a lime is believed to help regularize bowel movements. Drink this as soon as you wake up before consuming other food or beverages.
7. Drinking raw spinach juice mixed with water twice a day is effective to help cleanse the digestive tract and cure constipation.
8. Consuming at least one to two whole guavas daily (with seeds) will provide enough roughage to relieve constipation and soften stools naturally.
9. Oranges stimulate the bowels and encourages regular bowel movements. Oranges also help prevent the accumulation of waste matter in the colon and reduces the chances of constipation.
To preventing the recurrence of constipation, maintain an ideal diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those with high fiber content. Increasing your intake of water and staying hydrated at all times is the best way to prevent the hardening of stools and encourages regularity. If you find yourself boated due to high amounts of fiber in your diet, reduce your fiber intake to smaller amounts until your digestive system is used to it.
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