When you get to be of a certain age, the topic of how to get rid of a double chin becomes an area of focus. And this is an area of focus that is more noticeable with time but no need to stress about it.
Causes of a double chin
The most common cause of a double chin is general excess fat from weight gain. With weight gain, fat is deposited all over the body and depending on your body type, the weight gain is more noticeable in some places more than others.
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The face, including under the chin, is an area where weight gain may be even more evident and appear to come out of nowhere.
This is especially the case with individuals who appear to be healthy and of a healthy size but still appear to have a double chin. Some other causes besides weight gain and excess fat include:
- Aging skin
- Facial structure
- Genetics
- Poor posture
Usually, there is not a health issue to cause you concern; the biggest concern, if any, is how it may affect your image and self-esteem.
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How to get rid of a double chin fast!
To get rid of a double chin quickly, surgery will most likely be the best option for a quick and permanent result. This may be the best option if your bone structure or genetics just will not allow you to get rid of your double chin.
A facelift has become less invasive with surgical advancements in recent years. A facelift entails minimal incisions that target key areas that will reduce sagging jowls and loose skin in the neck area. The recovery time is less due to the minimal incisions.
Contouring, similar to a facelift, requires less recovery time as well because it is less intensive. It is a successful option for reducing the appearance of a double chin and drooping jowls.
If surgery is not in your budget, or maybe your double chin is just not that serious of a matter for you to
seek going under the knife or laser, there are other options.
One procedure that is not surgical is dermal fillers, which is a rapid-response technique in which fillers are administered along the angle of the jawline to reduce the appearance of a double chin and increase the definition of the jawline.
Botox, probably the most popular and well-known option, is similar to dermal fillers. Botox smoothes wrinkles and fine lines, and also minimizes your double chin.
Tightening the skin around the neck, by non-invasively lifting the skin, is another option that naturally produces more elastic and youthful-looking skin.
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How to get rid of a double chin without surgery
If you want to try your hand in reducing the appearance of your double chin on your own, try implementing a healthier lifestyle. The two best and most important ways to get rid of a double chin is by adding a good diet and exercise into your daily routine.
Find the diets and physical activity that works best for your body type and the amount of weight you need to lose.
If your double chin is due to sagging skin instead of excess fat, consider your skincare routine and ways to fight aging.
Over-the-counter facial treatments and facial masks promote healthier and younger-looking skin due to collagen production and increased skin cell turnover.
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Changes you can make that aid in fighting aging and sagging skin include:
- Cut back on salt and sodium intake
- Drink more water
- Get more rest
- Nutrient-rich diets
- Reduce or stop alcohol consumption
- Quit smoking
These steps may take a little more time, but in the end, you’ll look, and most importantly, feel better.