It’s no secret that the gym can be a scary place when starting your fitness journey. Without a trainer, you might not know what to do and for some reason, it always feels like all eyes are on you.
It’s common for people to feel uncomfortable in the gym and believe it or not, what seems like a cold dark place for you may feel like an iron dojo for someone else. Your perspective is key in making the gym less intimidating.
Here are some things regular gym goers don’t tell you that can help you go in the weight room – and anywhere else in the gym – with confidence.
1. It’s not as scary as it looks.
There is a ton of metal and a chill in the air but most people mistake the hard work vibes for something negative. Grind time is hardcore for most people; there’s the single-minded focus, determination and will all hammered into one place.
It’s intense but it is NOT intensity directed toward you. In a chess match, there’s that moment of anticipation where you know the players are in deep thought and concentration. The gym is similar, as most people’s intensity is within themselves.
Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Everyone is there to work to relieve stress, reach a fitness goal, enjoy the camaraderie, prepare for something important, and the like.
Roll up your sleeves, find your “why” and get in there with the rest of them! They won’t mind and chances are, they’re so focused on their routine, they won’t even notice.
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2. It’s also not as cool as it looks.
Nike commercials and fighting promos make workouts seem like a cool action movie, but there’s no intro music playing (outside of your headphones, at least) or special lighting accompanied by convenient angles that make you look like an all-around badass.
As I mentioned before, fitness goals are often very personal and most regulars are not there for a show. In fact, you’ll find that more often than not, serious fitness enthusiasts have a “get in and get out” mentality because they have other things to attend to.
A bicep curl is a bicep curl. It’s not as epic as cyber life makes it seem. We’re all just regular people with regular jobs doing regular exercises.
3. That guy who’s intimidating you doesn’t know what he’s doing.
Of course, there’s the one show boater who is pleased with himself and wants everybody to know it. They are in every gym and are unfortunately unavoidable.
If you see someone walking around with a big ego, chest poked out with much pride, and spending more time looking at who’s looking (and possibly making a lot of noise); I can guarantee you the jokes on them. They are likely the ones who have no clue what they are doing, everyone there knows it, and no one is impressed.
They may try to intimidate those who look timid but it’s all a part of the ego trip. If you run into them, fake it ’til you make it. Do what you know with confidence, even if it’s only one or two exercises. Cut all conversations short with, “I’m sorry but I have to get back to my workout.”
Know that these people have nothing to offer you and if you keep very very still, they will disappear.
In the words of Dr. Seuss, “. . .those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
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4. Sometimes we’re unsure of ourselves, too.
There is always some new exercise you never tried that will make you a bit hesitant at first. Embarking on a fitness lifestyle means that you will always learn something new, expanding on your current knowledge for growth. The first time for everyone is always the most awkward, but with practice, it looks effortless.
If you see someone doing squats or deadlifts like a pro, they, too, at one point didn’t know how to properly do that very exercise. Furthermore, there is some other exercise they still may not know how to do currently, and their first time attempting it will make them look like a rookie. It may be a different exercise, but even gym pros experience new endeavors with the same amount of caution.
We have all, at some point, done something worthy of becoming the next gym fail meme to someone who knows better. Regular gym goers understand that everyone, including themselves, started somewhere and won’t do anything to make you seem inadequate in your own efforts.
The gym is about growth after all.
Leah Watkins is a NASM certified personal trainer and natural figure competitor. She believes that fitness is personal and should be tailored to each person’s individual lifestyle. After embarking on her own fitness journey and losing over 70 lbs, she has made it her mission to offer simple, easy to follow tips on how to get to any fitness level you desire! Instagram: @the_leahshow.