When it comes to weight loss, it seems like everyone is either trying to do it, has done it, wants to do it, or has an opinion on how to do it. But rarely do you hear talk about people who do lose it, then gain it back, and then have a hard time trying to lose it again.
That is why we celebrate Monique, who has no problem telling her followers her full story and encouraging others along their journey. She’s real about what she does and doesn’t eat and struggles in between–all while having a positive attitude about the outcome.
“I wasn’t picked out of a crowd or chosen to lose weight, I chose myself and decided to fight until I saw change and now I’m fighting to make it stick. Believe in yourself that change is in you and keep going that’s it. We’re in a new month and tomorrow is a start of a new week make yourself a priority you deserve to experience a better you.😊❤ I hope this encourages someone to put themselves first and believe that change is possible for them too because it is”

“I’m really a private person so, me having this type of page and sharing my ups and downs with y’all, I’m still like wow I am really sharing this, but I’ve realized it’s not always about me. I share because I really want to show that I’m just like you who fall multiple times we are all the same, but I also want to show that it doesn’t have to end there. Yes, it’s hard to stay committed and lose weight, but shoot! It’s possible tho. Some of you give up because you don’t want to deal with the hard part well shoot! It’s hard being fat I’ll speak for myself I’m tired of wearing long sleeves and jackets in the summer. I want to see how much stronger I can become I hope you all are at that point too. Keep getting back up until it sticks, trust me it’s in you it’s there. Stop beating yourself up, continue believing in yourself and push. You will get there when you get there just don’t allow your fall to be permanent.❤”
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“Change happens when you believe enough to keep going until you see it. Is it easy? No, it’s a daily fight to keep from falling off again for days or weeks on my journey. To stop beating myself up if a bad day happens or I break my fast before 5, but instead learn to shrug my shoulders ‘oh well’ and pick myself right back up to continue creating a better me and to not make it a habit. When I do have a cheat meal to not get excited to where I continue eating even when I know I’m full, but to practice self-control. I’m human I’m not going to always get it right I’m not perfect but I REFUSE to accept being unhappy, insecure, ashamed, I REFUSE to accept the ‘I was supposed to be this big that’s just who I am’ …….um No. Even though this hasn’t been an easy journey, EVERY and I mean EVERY sweat, saying ‘NO’ to bad foods and staying committed on this intermittent fasting has been worth it and I’m excited to see what’s ahead. I just want to continue encouraging those that have created this doubt, negative spirit, insecurities, hurt, feeling too guilty to change or feeling that you’ve gained so much that working out and eating right won’t make a difference. That is all in the mind, you have the choice on what you want the future to look like for you and it doesn’t have to be filled with insecurities and depression. Sometimes you have to lose to win again. You have change in you too.”

“A lot of people ask me how do you keep getting back up? It just has to be in you to do it you just have to believe in yourself enough to pick yourself back up and push, force yourself to do better until you visually see it and to still keep going after🏅 now that’s the part I’m working on the part of making it stick👊. You are really stronger than you think like you really are and all of you who are following this page the hope and belief for change is still there so hold on to that and don’t let it go until you see it for yourself. You are worth fighting for don’t give up”
“Whatever your progress is, celebrate it and try not to shine a light on the negative things about you that haven’t changed yet it will happen just keep working *note to self*. This month my goal is to push past my current weight plateau I definitely plan to continue doing intermittent fasting but to change up what I’m eating during my feeding window. Whatever is placed on your mind or heart to do, do them!!! Don’t worry about it already being the month of May and that summer is next month so what!!! this change is for a lifetime, not a temporary, special event or a season fix. It’s just you against you that’s it! We’ll get to our goals as long as we just keep going.”
“If you can get through the things you hate doing on the other side is greatness. Keep going until you see it change is in you too.”