Everyone knows that drinking water can significantly improve our daily lifestyle. Obviously, water doesn’t always taste good but the key aspect to remember is that there are several health benefits. The human body is made up of 70% of water alone. In other words, science tells us that we need water to survive.
Unfortunately, minority communities don’t have clean water or very little to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Currently, the Black communities in Mississippi have experienced a huge water shortage, which has led to racial strife and political unrest. Issues like these have made Black people skeptical of consuming tap water over bottled water.
According to a Penn State survey, Blacks and Hispanics were twice as likely to consume bottled water. However, drinking water from a bottle isn’t always the cleanest option. In fact, some water brands don’t include nearly as much Fluoride as they should and can contain more bacteria than tap water. It's important to check the label on your water bottle to see if it’s healthy to drink. Even better, there are several videos out there on how to filter tap water and make it cleaner to drink.
Clean water equals a healthy body. Nonetheless, a healthier body can lead to a reduced chance of having any serious health conditions. Here are 10 reasons why you should drink more water:
1. Drinking Water Can Lower Our Chance Of Heart Disease
Researchers note that people should drink at least 2 Liters of water per day to keep their bodies in check. Not to mention, drinking water can lower our body temperature, improve blood oxygen circulation and even decrease blood pressure.
In general terms, water can lessen our chances of developing heart disease. Black people are at a higher risk of developing the chronic illness. Even worst, 30% of patients die from the disease as well. Drinking water can play a huge role in promoting better heart health.
RELATED: 7 Ways Drinking More Water Can Make Your Body Better
2. It Can Help Us Keep Our Weight Down
Another benefit to drinking lots of water comes down to helping us keep our weight down. Drinking water can keep our appetite at bay for a while, giving us a feeling of being “full.”
Unfortunately, the Black community tends to suffer the most from weight issues, especially Black women. Pair drinking water with exercise and dieting, and the pounds will fall off naturally.
3. It’s A Lubricant For Our Joints
While drinking water can help aid us in losing weight, it can also lubricate and cushion our joints. Furthermore, water consumption can help lessen our joint discomfort caused by arthritis.
4. Water Keeps Our Skin Clear
Speaking of arthritis, Black people do have some chance of developing a form of the condition known as psoriatic arthritis. However, the most common symptom that Black patients experience is psoriasis; an itchy, scaly, ashy and red rash. Fortunately, water has properties that can help clear up skin issues like these. After all, our skin is made up of 64% of water. Clearly, we need it to maintain a healthy look.
5. Keeps Our Kidneys In Good Shape
While water provides a sort of cushion pillow for our joints, water can also protect our organs and tissues. This is especially true for our kidneys. While there’s limited research that supports the fact that water can prevent the reoccurrence or emergence of Kidney Stones, there’s evidence that it does help keep the disease at bay. By increasing our water consumption, we’re able to expel more minerals, lessening the chance of them crystallizing and forming into stones.
RELATED: 7 Benefits Of Drinking Hot Water
6. Helps Flush Out Last Night's Mexican Dinner
If we think about it, our body consumes a lot throughout the day. Every day, we take in bacteria and toxins that aren’t healthy for us. Water can help us alleviate those issues, and even aid with digestion. If we’re feeling extremely constipated after eating a huge platter of nachos and cheese, water can flush that right out of our system. There’s nothing like feeling clean from the inside out.
7. Your Brain Needs A Reboot
While sleep helps with brain functionality, so does water. According to Healthline, “Proper hydration is key to staying in tip-top cognitive shape.” Inadequate water consumption can have a negative impact on your focus, alertness and short-term memory. Additionally, drinking water can improve our mood. Dehydration may lead to confusion and anxiety. Unfortunately, cognitive issues like Alzheimer’s and Dementia tend to appear most commonly in the Black community due to dehydration. It’s best for patients to start drinking water in the early stages and work towards making it a daily ritual.
8. Water Can Even Chase Away Depression
While it’s clear that our water intake can affect us on a psychological level, it can even help people suffering from depression. Overall, mental health has remained an extremely taboo subject in the Black community. Fortunately, the conversation is changing and more Black patients suffering from depression have chosen to speak up. Water plays a huge part in combating depression by supplying nutrition to the brain, and removing toxins and inflammatory properties. Instead, it provides energy sources to the brain. According to research, drinking less than two glasses of water a day can lead to a higher risk of developing depression.
RELATED: Are You Drinking Enough Water? An Easy Test to Tell
9. Water Gives You Energy
Not only does water help improve our mental psyche, but it also gives us a huge burst of energy. Furthermore, drinking water is great for our metabolism and helps gives our cells the body fuel to keep functioning.
10. The Cure To Any Hangover Is Drinking Water
When it comes to energy, we need water to keep us going like the Energizer Bunny all day long. Unfortunately, indulging in a few cocktails and Long Island Ices can really slow us down. Not only that, but they can give us a mean hangover the morning after. While there are tons of remedies for curing a hangover, the biggest cure is drinking water. Research suggests that drinking water in between alcoholic drinks and 2 cups before going to bed, reduces symptoms of dizziness, headaches and nausea.
Clearly, there are tons of great benefits to drinking water. Many of the reasons have to do with making healthy eating choices. As Black people, we have glaring health issues that can make life very difficult for us. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and drinking plenty of water can greatly improve our lives.